chapter 4

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Then two fingers plunge into my vagina. You pump them in and out for a bit before attempting to introduce a third. 'Hmmm, don't worry, I know how to loosen up tight girls like you.' You remove your hand and retrieve a G-spot vibrator with a bulbed head. You hold it up, 'This will warm you right up.' You switch it on, and place it within my labia minora, running it up to my clitoris and then down to my vagina, each time pushing it further towards my vaginal opening until it pops in. 'Success.'

You push it further in, twisting it, before planting the tip on my G-spot and running it back and forth on it. 'Cum for me.' Silence. 'I said, cum for me little girl.' I don't move, but I see you raise an eyebrow. You remove the vibrator and begin running it back and forth within my labia minora and onto my clitoris. Soon enough I cum. 'Interesting.' Your smirk reappears. 'So you have a little problem down here. Don't worry, your doctor will fix it for you. I do, after all, have your best interests at heart.'

Your eyes sparkle as the vibrator re-enters my vagina. You push it in and out, increasing the speed, pushing and twisting it. Eventually, you lay it aside, and pick up an inflatable dildo, which you hold up again, so I can see its size. In it goes. You pump it up until you hear a muffled 'aaaahhh', then, with smiling eyes, you pump it up a few more times. I'm ready to hit you; I'm so full it hurts. Then you begin, in and out, while I emit muffled screams & pull at my restraints, struggling for all I'm worth.

Eventually, you deflate it a bit, and continue your ministrations, before removing it and replacing it with a large vibrating dildo. In and out, side to side, over and over again. I lie still, not even bothering to look anymore. Then you remove it, and replace it with the inflatable again. I feel it getting bigger and bigger. 'That's better. Full width this time. Aren't you a good little girl?' 'Ugh'. A full-hearted guffaw emanates from your mouth.

In and out, slowly at first, then you pick up the pace. A finger on my clitoris. Circling, rubbing, rolling, building me up. I don't want it, but I have no energy left to resist and I cum. You remove the dildo. 'I think you're ready now.' My interest was piqued, and I look up to see your fingers entering me. Three plunges into me, and finding ample room to move around another finger joins them. Finally, your thumb joins the group. 'A successful operation. Now you know what comes next.' And with that, you push your fist into me.

I can't believe your fist is in me. You twist & turn, pumping it in & out, then retreat towards my g-spot. 'Time to deal with your little problem.' You stroke it with a few fingers - I feel the strong need to pee - then you pick up the pace, rubbing quicker & harder. 'Hmmm, a little difficult are we?' You retrieve another G-spot vibrator. 'This will do the trick.' You turn it on, 'full power, I think', and place it on my G-spot. A muffled scream emanates from my mouth - the power is intense.

You push it in and out, keeping it on the ridge just inside me, and soon enough 'Success!' I explode in a small orgasm. You keep the vibe in the same spot, repeating your actions, sometimes pushing it deeper, making me cum repeatedly. The second time you push it deeper, you notice something, 'My, my, little girl, you're tensing your muscles, you're enjoying this, aren't you? What a kinky little medical slut', you say with a laugh. I ignore you as I wrap my muscles around the vibe to bring the pleasure closer to me.

'I think that's enough. I need to continue with your treatment now.' You remove the vibe but you don't turn it off instead you move it to my anus, keeping it on the outside. After a bit of teasing you remove it from me and put it aside, then you pick up a very small plug and plunge it into my vagina - 'why waste my lube when there's such an ample supply here?' - once coated you push it into my anus. Its small size means it slips in easily, and you push it in and out to loosen my sphincter somewhat. Then you pick up a slightly bigger vibrating butt plug and switch it on. Its small tapered end means it slides in easily, after a perfunctory dip into my vagina for lubrication, and the vibration helps it along. You push it in and out for a while, before removing this one as well. Then you size up considerably. The same process again. I can feel my sphincter stretching out now. My head is thrashing from side to side, moaning at the unwelcome intrusions, but you just ignore me. 'You'll learn to enjoy it.' I scream as much as I can through the gag and you laugh in return before resuming your task. You turn the vibration up to the maximum level and push the plug in and out over and over again until I lose count. You keep going for what feels like an eternity before sizing up and beginning anew. But this time you decide to use another vibrator at the same time, running it over my clitoris and into my vagina and then back up to my clitoris while pushing the plug in and out. I begin to cum in small climaxes, again and again, my head jolting up from the table with every climax while whining through the gag.

'You are quite the little medical slut. I think in future sessions I will need the help of several other doctors.' My whine almost becomes a scream at the thought. 'Yes, I think 4 will suffice. One for your head - you took my fingers rather willingly so that needs to be explored - another for your breasts, a third for your clitoris, and I will concentrate on your holes down here.' I explode in a bigger orgasm. 'Yes, you like the thought of that, don't you? Several gloved hands looking after your body.' There's an evil twinkle in your eyes but I can't deny that your devious idea doesn't turn me on and you continue. 'You may even be prescribed medical penetration.' This time I do scream through the gag. 'With your consent, of course. And you get to choose the doctor who prescribes the treatment once a fortnight, more often if you wish, but always at the clinic, which I think you'd like. Some of our patients chose several doctors to tend to them at once.' I trash my head side to side to indicate my displeasure at your suggestion, and pull on my restraints; I want out, NOW. But my body is reacting to your words, convulsing in orgasm, as you continue to thrust the vibrators in and out of my vagina and anus.

'You may even be a perfect candidate for our relaxation programme. The doctors here get very stressed having to perform this treatment numerous times a day and need an outlet. Some patients have volunteered to help us with this for their treatment. We have 9 patients in the programme at the moment. They come in once a fortnight for an entire day. They are placed in a treatment room like this one, stripped naked, strapped to the table with their legs in the stirrups, and lay there until a doctor needs their services. The doctor is then able to use the patient as they wish. Some examine the patient. Some give the patient a breast enlargement or reduction. New treatments are tried on them. And some perform medical penetration in their preferred manner. At the end of the day, multiple doctors may examine the patient, then they're released until their next treatment. There is currently space in the programme, and I think you, my little medical slut, may be the perfect candidate to fill it.' I scream and thrash about at your suggestion - the thought of being strapped down and used for a whole day by numerous doctors appalls me but I can't deny that I haven't enjoyed your examination so far, my genitals are dripping wet for one.

'I think that will do for now.' You remove the plug and retrieve an anoscope, lubing it and inserting it with ease into my anus. 'Another photo' then you remove the device and replace it with your fingers. You manage to fit 3 fingers in my anus and push and pull them out a bit. 'Excellent, you've really loosened up. You've dilated a decent amount, so we'll finish your treatment another day.' I whine loudly. 'Don't worry, I'm not finished yet.' My muffled scream is met by your callous laugh. 'Just wait till you see my finishing touches, slut.' You bring out a new larger butt plug and dip it into my vagina before pushing it into my anus which stretches easily for it. Once in place, you pick up a large dildo and slide it easily into my vagina. Next, you attach a butterly-like probe to my clitoris with straps around my legs.

You change your gloves, 'I think you need a photo of this', after snapping a few shots, you bring up a hidden edge to the table. Keeping a firm hand on my right leg, you undo the restraint, place it on the elongated table, and restrain it again. You repeat the process with my left leg. You then produce some translucent latex pants with elasticated edges much to my confusion and place them around my feet, before carefully undoing and redoing the right and then left restraint to move them up my legs.

Once at my bottom, you lift me from the small of my back and push the pants over my cheeks. You then pull them over my front, before turning away and returning with a chastity belt. I scream again, but your eyes simply sparkle at me. Lifting me again, you move it underneath me and between my legs before laying me down again. You then buckle and secure the waist belt with a padlock, and attach the middle belt and secure it with another padlock. 'Doesn't that feel good?' 'Ugh'.

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