That's A Wrap.

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Requested by -astrxnaut

TW: Sexual Assault


Yoongi threw his lyric sheet down on the studio floor as he gave a stare of aggravation at both Hobi and Namjoon. "It's been three days, how are you two still not getting the beat correct?!"

"Don't look at me! I am on beat!" Namjoon couldn't believe he was being blamed when he very much felt as though it was Hobi's fault. He pointed to his fellow rapper. "He's the one who can't get it right!"

"Excuse me?!" Hobi rolled his eyes at Namjoon. "I've been doing better than you!"

Yoongi balled his fists in anger. This wasn't working. They were on day three of trying to record a rap single for the groups album and it wasn't coming together in the slightest. Their teamwork was terribly off, which was unusual for them. Hobi said it was a difficult song, unlike ones they'd done in the past, but Yoongi said they were experienced enough by now and should be able to figure it out. Yoongi was the most frustrated because he was also in charge of producing the song, so the fact they couldn't even rap it right was delaying the entire process.

"Let's call it quits for today. Clearly this isn't working." Yoongi turned and headed out of the recording booth, grabbing his stuff off the couch. "We have dance practice anyway."

Hobi and Namjoon stormed out of the recording booth after the oldest of the three rappers. Hobi was in absolutely no mood to have to go supervise the bands choreography at this point. He was frustrated and wanted to be by himself, but he knew that wasn't an option. Namjoon had picked up the lyric sheet Yoongi had thrown on the ground and in a fit of rage crumpled it up and threw it in the trash. Screw this.

The three of them dragged their feet to the dance studio where the rest of the members were waiting.

"Finally," said Jin. He saw that all three of the rappers looked angry. "Oh no, please don't tell me you guys had another bad session."

"You could say that," replied Namjoon.

"Again?" Jungkook's voice had a sulky tone to it, "Hyungies you guys have to get that song done soon."

This sent the three rappers into an instant argument, once again, about how all of them weren't getting the beats right on the track.

"Guys!" Jimin screamed, interrupting their heated debate. "Now isn't the time! We have to practice! Put your differences aside for a bit and let's focus on the choreography, okay?"

"Whatever." Hobi walked past Namjoon and shoulder checked him, making sure Namjoon knew he was still angry even if he had to play nice for a while. Yet, Hobi didn't play nice. At least not with Yoongi and Namjoon. He decided to spend the entire practice telling the two how bad of a job they were doing at dancing.

"Hobi hyung!" Taehyung had been tired of how the dance leader was acting. "Stop! They're doing fine! Just because you're angry doesn't mean you can be extra mean to them!"

Hobi threw his hands in the air. "I'm done with this. I don't want to practice anymore. I'm calling it early. Let's go home." Hobi grabbed his bags and was the first out the door. Yoongi and Namjoon huffed and followed him out, not at all upset about having to end practice early. Anything to finally spend some time in separate rooms.

The vocal line stood in the studio, hesitant and upset. Jimin was almost in tears. "I hate seeing them fight so much. This doesn't usually happen. I don't like it."

"Me either, hyung." Jungkook agreed with Jimin. This whole situation was strange. Jungkook got teary eyed which caused Taehyung to also start crying. Jin opened his arms and gestured for them to embrace his hug. "Ah, no, maknae's, please don't cry. They will be alright. They will figure it out and everything will come together in the end."

That's A Wrap [Namjoon Hurtfic/Rap Line]Where stories live. Discover now