37~ A Murder

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Author's POV

"Hello Bhai!!" 

"Hello, princess...what's up with you? Is everything all right?...you know na its night here."

She heard his worried voice and words came to her lips but she gulped them again not knowing what she should tell him.

"I am fine Bhai...How are you?"

"I am fine, what about mamu and Dadi?"

"They too are fine....please come back bhai," She pleaded her teary eyes staring blankly at the wall before her.

She wanted him to come back, she knew she wouldn't be able to keep silent after seeing him and she didn't even want to keep silent.

She couldn't handle the pain anymore.

"Is everything fine Adhi?.... Don't you dare to hide anything from me," He asked getting up from the study table and rubbing his forehead.

"Everything is fine Bhai...Bye I need to study now," She disconnected the call and clutched it to her heart crying hard.

On the other hand, Ardhansh immediately booked the morning's flight without telling anyone, he knew nothing was right.

The pain in his sister's voice told him everything but before getting to any conclusion he wanted to be sure and it was possible after meeting her only.

Adhisha got up from the ground trying to suppress her cries but her sobs just increased with the passing seconds.

She straight walked into the washroom and successfully passed her hours in the shower.

When she came to her senses it was already 8 PM, as always her dinner came into her room and she peacefully had it, thinking nothing.

She knew she had to go if she wanted it or not, she grabbed the red knee-length dress and without making extra effort wore it, she didn't even struggle to brush her hair and sneaked out of her room.

In the meantime, the Cab driver dropped her at the club and she entered inside just to feel nauseous after smelling the disgusting smell of alcohol, cigarettes and sex.

She found the same huge man waiting for her and he led her to the luxurious room before closing the door behind her.

She remembered the first night he did it and her legs trembled in pain, the damage was still not healed she wasn't ready for another injury.

She walked inside only to see him sitting on the sofa shirtless and consuming alcohol.

Her eyes delicately moved in the whole room taking note of every little thing present there.

"Such a treat my meal arrived before time," He chuckled eyeing her and asking while getting up from the sofa.

"Do you drink?"

"No," She answered like a rag doll and he raised his brow in amusement before stepping forward and pulling her by her waist.

"Looking gorgeous but without the clothes, you look perfect," He sensually whispered near her ear and unzipped her dress.

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