Where it all.... began

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Disclaimer: I don't own Twisted wonderland and Fairy tail, they belong to there rightful owners, especially some pics that will maybe be shown in this chapter. I only own the ocs that I made. Watch out for grammar and spelling mistakes since English is not my first language and also there's some made up magic that is gonna be shown in this series made up means, it's not really canon.So Enjoy Reading!










Ah The Fiore Kingdom...

A neutral country with a population of 17 million.

It is a world of magic.

Magic is bought and sold there like anything else, and is deeply ingrained in the people's lives.

There are even some who make a living using magic.

These people are referred to as Wizards.

This Wizards belong to many different guilds, and accept jobs brought to them.

There are many guilds in this kingdom, and there's a certain wizard guild in a certain town...

A guild from which countless legends were once born...

and, one that will continue to create legends well into the future.

It's name....












Author's POV

Ah~... it was a great sunny day at the Fiore kingdom, the sun is shining, the flowers are blooming, the trees are strong and many villagers are happily enjoying themselves at Clover village.

But what's this? Why are we set in Clover town? Hmmm... let's find out at the train station of Clover town.

At the Clover town's Train station

"ƬӇЄ ƑƛƖƦƖЄƧ ƬƜƖƧƬЄƊ ƢƲЄƧƬ" FairtailxTwst Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now