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Joe's Children

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Joe's Children

Ni 💚 Joe wtf

You yeah wtf Joe

Ni 💚You met fucking Taylor Swift and didn't tell us about

Alwyn Oh sorry guys

Alwyn you just randomly met Gigi Hadid! For no particular reason at all!

You Actually there was a reason Joe

Ni 💚 Yeah we were both heartbroken

Ni 💚 Cause our best friends had a Date and FUCKING DIDN'T TELL US ABOUT IT

Alwyn okay first of it wasn't a date

Alwyn second it took Harry a fucking week to tell me that he signed with modest

Alwyn and third you didn't tell me you met Gigi Hadid

You hey!!

You I wanted to tell you about it but you weren't here!

Ni 💚 Wait wait wait!! It wasn't a date?

Alwyn No?

Ni 💚 But you guys looked really close on the picture

You awfully close

Alwyn it wasn't a date

Alwyn were just friends

Alwyn yet...

Ni 💚 I knew it!!

You Do you like her Joe?

Ni 💚 What a stupid question! Who doesn't like taylor swift?!

You no I mean do you like like her?

Alwyn I don't know to be honest

Alwyn I just met her once

Alwyn but I really liked spending time with her

Alwyn she's so polite and friendly!!

Alwyn and it was so easy to hold a conversation with her

You so you gonna met up again?

Alwyn 🤷‍♂️

Ni 💚 Dou you want to meet up again?

Alwyn I think I would like to yeah

Alwyn I think I would like it a lot

You ahh look Ni Joe finally found someone

Ni 💚 Not someone Harry!

Ni 💚 Fucking Taylor Swift

You But he found someone!!

Alwyn No!! it's not even confirmed

Alwyn Nothing happened, and I don't even know if I like her that way

You thats okay!!

You take you're Time

Alwyn But another thing

Alwyn Louis Tomlinson answered one of your comments Harry?!

You yeah I mean yeah hehe

Ni 💚He still can't handle it that Stars know he exists

Ni 💚 First Zayn

Ni 💚 Then Louis answerd

Ni 💚 Then he met Gigi

You oh and Niall has a fan account now hehehe

Ni 💚 Yeahhhh I literally wanna marry them!!!

Alwyn hahahhaha

You they all love you more than me

Ni 💚 Oh bullshit

Alwyn yeah honestly they adore you soooo much Harry!!!!

Ni 💚You're gonna be a superstar soon in no time

You don't overexaggerate it

You I'm happy that I can do my stuff you know

Alwyn so humble

Ni 💚 We're so proud of you Haz

Alwyn Yes, we are, and always gonna be. 

A/N sorry guys, I'm back, I'm back, I was just dumb, the chapters have been written I just keep forgetting to update arghh, sooo yeahh I'm back, tell me what do you think about the happenings... hehe

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