Birthday for the win

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I woke up with a jolt. Sweat ran down my face. That was one of the scariest things I'd ever dreamed, I thought. "Indie, wake up," called my mother from the other room. "Give me a minute," I replied. Quickly, I got dressed in a plain white t-shirt and jeans and went off to breakfast.
When I got downstairs, I saw my father reading the newspaper, and my mother making breakfast. My little brother and sister were, of course, arguing over what to watch. They look very different even through their twins. My brother has blonde hair like my mother, we'll my sister has red hair like my father. I am the mix in the family.
Mother and father aren't really fond of each other. Once, father got drunk and made out with this random lady. Mother was very upset at him. She yelled at him for a straight hour! I understand why she's upset, but he was drunk, so I also get his side. The only reason they were in the same room today was because it's my birthday. I'll be turning 18. An adult finally!
"What are you planning on doing for your special 18?" Asked mother. "My friends and I are hanging out. They want to make it unforgettable tonight!" I answered in a sweet voice.
"You kids better behave," said Father. After the accident with him getting drunk, he's been more strict with how we act when we go out. "I promise we'll behave." I said. "You better," He said in a rough voice. "Anyways, breakfast is ready," announced my mother. "Yay! Pancake time!" Cheered Cora."Hey!" Screamed Carter as Cora ran past him.
My father named both of them, that's why their names both start with C's.
I went to sit down at the table. Mother sat down a plate of pancakes in front of me. This is going great, I thought. "You're favorite, chocolate chip!" Said my mother. "Thank you, mother," This is going to be a perfect birthday! I thought. I was so wrong.

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