Chapter 6

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We talked for hours and hours that day. We laughed and giggled, and goofed off. We became best friends and nothing stood in our way.

Now that months have passed, I started to grow on Captain, he was funny, charming and his hair looked so soft I could make socks out of them. His muscular body always got my attention and his deep black eyes were so dreamy. If I were to tell anyone in the whole world that I loved Captain, I would tell my brother. So that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to tell my brother, right here right now.

I left my room and the hallway was clear, I walked casually and made sure that no one was near. When the coast was clear, (or when I thought it was) I unfortunately bumped into Steve. "Miles? What are you doing at this hour? Everyone is in their dorms, shouldn't you be too?" Crap, I'm done for, what do I do?! "Erm uh, I was actually gonna pick something up! Yes, I

went to go get something " Steve eyed me up and down, "oh okay, I'll see you later!" Phew, close call. I sprinted out into

the hot dry desert this base was located in, I looked around to see if anyone was here . No one here, great. I lifted up into the sky and flew into the direction to where Skittles's watchtower was.

It was hot and humid, not typical weather to be wearing a black uniform. Who designed these uniforms anyway? Up ahead, I saw the tower and I smiled with excitement. "Skittles!" I called. No answer. "Skittles?" I called again, nothing. I swooped down and perched onto the ledge. A guy with the same uniform but different glasses grabbed me by the neck and pinned me onto the floor, "who are you? What are you doing here?!" He growled at me and I froze in fear, "I'm looking for my brother! I don't want any harm done!" He looked at me up,and down, "you're a tankmen. Who's your brother? And why are you in our territory" he let go of me and I stood up, "Skittles is my brother, I needed to tell him something— but since he's not here, I can come back later-" I tried to get onto the ledge but he grabbed my wrist so hard I yelped in pain. He cut me off saying, "I can't let you go that easily, I have to kill you." He glared at me, "no please, I didn't do anything!" He pulled out a knife from his pocket and tried to stab me, but I quickly swept away and kicked him in the stomach. I tried to fly away but he grabbed onto my ankle and dragged me down. I extended my nails out to hang onto the wood but he was too strong. "You're not going anywhere!" He growled. He grabbed my waist, making us roll around the floor. I had managed to claw him once which made him have a pretty big gash. I had pinned him on the ground and I had my nails up to his face. "Last words?" I growled, "yes, actually." He said. He reached for a flamethrower and said, "I hope you like flames." And he blasted the left side of my face with hot flames, I leaped off of him with a roar of pain and I covered my face with my wings, I've never felt such extreme pain. It felt like my skull was visible and my skin was pink and my flesh was bleeding. The attacker held where I had clawed him earlier. Unexpectedly, I grabbed him by the neck and held him out of the tower, leaving him to a gruesome death. "Now, ANY last words?" I said. He looked at me with pleading eyes, "I'm... Sorry" he said, but I had already dropped him. He fell to his death and I winced in pain as the burn was getting more painful. I leaped off of the ledge and flew back to the base as quickly as I could.



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