The Return

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I opened my window still tired it was in the middle of the night. I was happy that he was here, but also a little disappointed that he hasn't shown up all week.

Y/N: You haven't shown up all week, why?

Rod: Come with me.

Y/N: No answer my question.

Rod: Because I was busy, now let's go.

Y/N: Well can you wait, I have to change.

I went to my dresser and picked out leggings and a sweatshirt, and got dressed in the bathroom. I quickly grabbed my phone and put it in my pocket and climbed out of my window. I left a crack open, so I can get back in. I saw Rod leaning on a tree in our small front yard. Once I got there, we both started walking to the van. I was headed for the back of the van until he guided me to the passengers seat. He opened the door for me and I got in, he then sat in the drivers seat and drove off. He handed me a blind fold and I asked.

Y/N: Why?

Rod: Don't even start.

I sighed and put on the blindfold. I said that after a while then I hear him get out of the van and open my door. He helps me out.

Y/N: You know you don't have to blindfold me ever time.

I heard him grunt and he took off my blindfold.

Rod: You really are annoying.

I look at him and smile, basically telling him that I know. I then look ahead and see the huge factory. There was a big replica of Rod that connected to a huge building. As we walk towards it, Rod pulled out a little remote and pressed the button. Then the stomach of the replica opened up to show what looks like a garage with a bunch of boxes.

Y/N: Wow.

Rod: Magnificent, isn't it?

Y/N: Yeah

I looked at Rod and smile he then turned to look at me and I quickly turned away. I was so happy that I was with him. Once we walked around the boxes and up the stairs, I saw little people, but they move so weird. They have a face that looks similar to Rods mask.

Y/N: Who are they, and why are there so many?

Rod: Oh I forgot got to tell you. These are robots that I made a program to keep things tidy and everything in the order. They are called mini rods and they help a lot.

I'm not, I thought it was so cute we passed another and it was talking while writing on the clipboard. You walked into a small room that had a few filing cabinets, a desk with a computer and papers on the side. Rod opened a file cabinet and pulled out a folder. He put it on the desk and opened it. It showed a few pictures of the factory when it was first built. Rod showed me more stuff about the factory, he showed me the blue prints, and article clippings. One of then showed someone was a former ice cream man.

Rod: That was my father.

Y/N: Was?

Rod: He died a long time ago.

Y/N: Oh Rod I'm so sorry.

I hugged Rod to comfort him, but I wonder why he was showing me all this. Is he finally trusting me?

Rod: it's ok, he was the only family I had, though he didn't have much time for me when I was a child. So what do you like to do?

Y/N: I've always loved singing and writing songs, but my parents can never afford the setups. Also how old are you, you never told me.

Rod: I recently turned 22.

Y/N: Really, when?

Rod: Week before you moved here.

Y/N: Ok, what's your last name?

Rod: Sullivan, Rod Sullivan.

Y/N: Interesting. So what do you want to do? Go to college, any hobbies?

Rod: I dropped out of school 8th grade. I never thought about college, I invested in this factory. All I ever did was put my work and effort into this factory and my ice cream.

We talked some more, he wanted to know more about me and my family. So I talked about how much we moved and why. We talked about how we struggled with money.

Y/N: Look, I know you were mad at me last time, but can I at least see half of your face?

Rod: No.

Y/N: Why? You see mine.

Rod: That's different.

Y/N: No it's not, I won't tell anyone if that what your worried about.

Rod: I don't know that.

I didn't like Y/N asking all these questions, I didn't want to tell her everything about me. Some parts of my childhood were traumatic for me and still are with me. I do trust Y/N with some things, but I don't know how she will take the other things.

Rod: Just know that some parts of my childhood was traumatic for me and the way I looked was a big part of it.

Y/N: Ok, I'll take that, but just know I'm always here. And I will listen when you do decide to open up to me.

I never thought Rod would be a little sensitive, I still love him, and I love that I'm getting to know more about him. After a while of us talking, I looked at the clock to see it had been hours. I think Rod noticed, because he said.

Rod: Come on, I have to bring you back.

I followed Rod outside into the van I got in the passenger seat, and we drove off. He didn't tell me to put on my blindfold, which I was glad. Once we got to my house. I caught a glimpse of Rod's face before he gave me a kiss on my cheek. He then quickly pulled the mask down over his face, and I said that for a few seconds in shock. I snapped back to reality and got out of the van. I walked over to my window and climbed in to my room. I've been changed into my pajamas and went to sleep.

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