✩Chapter 6✩

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(Warning: jerking off, dirty thoughts, blood)

“it's a date!”

Stan's POV:

My eyes widen I open my mouth to speak but he was no where in sight. My face turns extremely red and flustered.

“a date...?” I question, mumbling under my breath.

I blink before snapping back into reality. I shake my head and lay down on my bed “did he really mean that as a date? Is he joking around with me? Does he.. Like me?”

These thoughts wonder my head, filling it up. I blush as my thoughts started to become more dirty. “if he does like me.. And dates me.. What would he do to me? Would he drink my blood but in a sexual way?”

I cover my face with my hands, I feel my face burning hot and blood rushing through my body. I bite my bottom lip as more thoughts came in mind.

I feel something grow in my pants. “oh no..” I mutter seeing the erection I had. Was I really about to touch myself to a vampire?

The answer to that is yes, yes I was. I unzip my pants as my member goes straight up. I blush more and look away before slowly moving my hand to my boner.

I have never touched myself before. I still couldn't believe I was about to do this to a fucking vampire.

I use two fingers to gently stroke myself off. I bite my lip harder trying to prevent a moan from coming out. My breathing started to get more heavy as my strokes get more intense.

“oh fuck.. ~” I moaned softly as precum leaked onto my hand. I started to imagine all the things I would do to Kyle, touch him, kiss him, bite him. All these fantasies make me get closer to the edge.

“oh Kyle, fuck yes!..~” I groan and throw my head back as I cum hard. I pant heavily and look at the mess I have made all because of my vampire crush.

I sigh to myself before sitting up and cleaning the mess. After I wash my hands and started to take a shower, getting ready for my date.

I felt embarrass and guilty after what I just have done. I shake my head and brush it off my shoulders. It's not like he'll know what I did, right?

Third person POV:

Stanley Marsh was brushing his hair, looking in the mirror, making sure it looked perfect for Kyle.

His door open as Randy Marsh, his dad walks in. “oh, you're awake?” Randy asked surprised.

“Uh yeah?” Stan replied more focused on looking good then his father. “why are you looking all.. Fancy?” Randy asked giving Stanley some side eye.

Stan stays silent for a couple of minutes before answering “I'm going on a date”
Randy's eyes widen a bit, more shocked than ever. “My son, Stan Marsh has a date!?”

Stan sighs and nods “yes I do fuck off” He hissed at him. Randy ignored that comment and jumps in the air like a child “oh my gosh I gotta tell Sharon!!”


Stan pinches the bridge of his nose and scoffed. He took Randy being gone as an chance to leave the house, so that's exactly what he did.

The black hair boy opens his window before climbing out and quickly running to the forest.

Once he makes it deep in the forest he shouts Kyle's name “Kyle!? It's me Stan, where are you!!??”

A smile creeps on his face, his heart pounds in his chest, butterflies wonder in his stomach as Kyle jumps out from nowhere.

“boo!!” He says making Stan jump a bit, “dude!” he gasps, Kyle chuckled. Stan joined in and pulls him into a tight hug.

“you look nice” Kyle mumbled making Stan blush,“thank you. I did it for you.”

The ginger vampire smile, showing off his fangs. Stan looks at them and couldn't help but admire his magnificent smile.
The way his fangs showed and shine really made Stan fall 10 times deeper for the boy.

“Stan?” Kyle waves his hand in front of Stan's face. Stan snaps out of his thoughts and blushed.

“huh? Sorry what did you say?” He asked embarrassed. Kyle giggles and takes Stan's hand and walking somewhere,“I asked if you were ready for our date?”

“oh, yes. Yes I am” Stan smiles and squeezes Kyle's hand. “where will you be taking me?” He asked.

“it's a surprise, dear.” Kyle's voice was soft and smoothing. The words he spoke made Stan more flustered.

“oh, could you give me a hint?” Stan asked hoping he say yes.

“no silly that will ruin the surprise” Kyle smirked. “please dude! It won't it's just a tiny hint!!” Stan begs and clings onto Kyle's arm.

“No means no Stan” Kyle sighs and chuckles, patting Stan's head. Stan pouts like a child, “fine.”

“good, now close your eye's. I'll lead the way” Kyle said wanting Stan to trust him.

“alrighty” Stan close his eyes, having full trust in Kyle.

Kyle leads Stan to a crystal cave. It was a gray cave with crystals all around it, hanging from the roof top and the sides. Right next to it was a bench that had vines all around it. The place looked like something and your dreams.

Kyle's POV:

This place was abandoned a long time ago. It's always been a place I visited when I was bored.

I stop once we reach the place. “you can open your eyes now” I say excitedly.

Stan opens his eyes. They go wide open once he sees the gorgeous place in front of him.

“Kyle.. This place is wonderful! How did you find it?” Stan asked me. I shrugged “well I was wondering around due to boredom and I found it. I would come here a lot and I still do.” I explain.

“well it's beautiful” Stan smiled once again. I nod my head in agreement and take him inside the cave. “You should see it at night, that's when it really is beautiful.” I said.

“maybe I can stay till night” He suggested. I nod in agreement.

We sat down in the cave, chatting. But then my stomach growls. Fuck. I started to get hungry.

My eyes turned a dark shade of cherry red, I try to shake my head and get rid of these thoughts but it was too late.

I'm bloodthirsty.

Word count: 1089!

I have no note for this chapter but I will try to now on post every weekend!

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