twenty - three . funsie darksie

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3 weeks later
Me and midora had the day off so we decided  to go on a little one on one date to the mall.

"Danks.. haven't you been worried we haven't seen much from our ua day simps recently" iuzku said timidly.

I nipped my lip and clenched his hand, "to tell you the truth? I am.. and I pray their obsession didn't make them well waste those years in ua"

Seniso may if assaulted  me but I still didn't want him to be a villain - and recently even karma izukus sister has officially became a hero.

"Yeah.. last I chatted with todoroki.. he was off" izuku mentioned, "he just kept blankly  staring like he was planning something"

He hasn't mentioned this.. "what haven't you told any of us..?" I asked looking at him in concerned.

"I thought I was just misreading the vibes.. uraka moved on to tusu so maybe it's just.." he'd say, "me reading him as like the past and he's grone and chnaged.. I didn't want to worry you guys over a flase alarm"

I nod, "I understand that.. but next time you meet him one of us is going with you" I grumble, being protective  of one of my new proclaimed husbands.

I was happy. We wore finally.. soon we planned on adopting a little one, or two.

Even if he sees it as minor.. or flase.

"Doesn't matter if it's flase or not love. We want you to be happy and not stressed" I say, "Kat wouldn't mind having a conversation with him"

He nodded looking at his old beat up jageded red vans.

"Maybe its about time we replace them" I sudjusted changing the topic.

He'd nod as we go into the shoe store, we went to the adult section to find a new pair of red shoes he'd like.

"Why do you wear red shoes?" I asked ceriously as he browes  the options, I'm glazing abt protectively.

"Kaccans eyes are red.. and well I got them the year we fell apart in junior high" I Saif blankly.

I noticed a half red and white haired boy looking us.. that looked like todoroki.. and a purple haired one.. that looked like shinso so I quickly typed in our gc.

'me and izu are shoe shopping and our old obessive simps walked in . Staring at us if we don't return you-'

I felt a rag go around my nose and I fell like im gonna pass out before doing that I sent whatever I had my phone dropped, as I glaze seeing my man be in todorokis grip.

I felt rage - hearing intercoms blabering... then it went black.

I wake up in a room, I hazily look around confused.. spying my husband on the bed.. todoroki holding him.

I grumbled abit felling a strap on my chin.. was I muzzled..?

I glared.

"Awh~ dankis awake" todoroki notice, "shinso you're princey is. Unlike mine"

Shinso walked over lifting my chin, "long time  no see my love"

I didn't respond for minutes, even in my dazed state I knew if I responded instenlty his qurick worked on me.

"Im not youre love. I'm happily married to the green haired boy on the bed with the peppermint" I snap.

"What a shame." Shnsio hummed, "he's gonna be todorokis soon, as you'll be mine"

I blinked and looked over seeing izuku wake and freak out pushing todoroki off, "stop im married!"

"They took from me." Todoroki snared.

"He's not yours. Where are we" I snapped.

"Youre new home." Seniso said.

The end...

This  is why I said I'm evil.
So evil wfi

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