In For It

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Y/n definitely didn't know what to do in a relationship.

This was the next morning as he had just left his home to take the train towards school. The station wasn't far so his stroll alone was quiet but quick. He had boarded the train from his stop and awaited for his stop to arrive.

The train stopped a couple of times. On the third stop, the doors slid open as Y/n glanced up from his seat to find another horde of people coming in. But what made this unique, he finds a blonde girl with a couple of blue streaks running from down her strands of hair. They made eye contact, Y/n was shocked to find her but Luna's reaction was much more wholesome.

"Y/n!~" she waved excitedly before sliding herself next to the h/c and wrapped her arms around one of his. Softly blushing, he greets back. "It's a first to see you on here..." he said as Luna was a little confused.

"What do you mean? I always board this train..."


"Yeah! Maybe we never really thought about it..." Luna guessed.

Or maybe I take the train earlier on some days for club activities...

However, they dropped the topic and went to talking and cuddling. The cuddling was mostly from Luna as Y/n really didn't know exactly what to do. He just laid his head on her's that laid on his shoulder until it was time for them to get off.

Luna softens the PDA with handholding as they head for their school and went inside their classroom. That's when Luna part ways with Y/n to talk to her friends.

Thankfully, Y/n wasn't the type to make Luna stay for him. Whether he was experienced with love or not, the boy wasn't someone to neglect anyone for his own satisfaction. But now that he's alone, he decides to head to his desk and spend time on making lyrics until class started.


Morning break wasn't special since Luna stayed with her friends for the time as well. That left Y/n to his music once more until class started.

So now, lunch arrived. Y/n was fixing his things up in the class as he grabs his wallet from his bag to get some food. As he exits the room, he finds Luna still talking to her friends. Smiling and giggling as the boy glanced back down at the stack of cash from him and his father's job before heading for the school's food store.


He grabs a pair of sandwiches, not knowing exactly what she liked and heads back to the classroom to give Luna her lunch.


"Hm? Oh! Hey, Y/n!~"

The boy says nothing and hands her a sandwich. Well, "I don't know what kind of food you like... but you need to eat something before class starts..."

"Okay! Thank you, Y/n!~" she beamed a bright smile as he walked away from her and her friends and decides to head for his clubroom where he finds So and Kazuki there.

When they find Y/n, they smiled and waved. "Hey, Y/n..."

"Sup, man?"

"Hey... Just.. want to play something... Make me at ease..."

"You're the son of Scourge after all... It's only right that you play music..."

"Any pieces lately?"

"I have one that I wanna try but we need Nico and Kenji on this as well..."

"Ooh... For the festival?"

Y/n nods as the two boys crowd around him to see the lyrics and his musical notes. So sees that he starts the song and Kazuki learns that this might be an upbeat tempo which was what the club needs.

So instead of just chilling out for lunch, they decided to practice their part of the song until lunch time ended.


The end of school.

And everyone was already eager to leave, heading straight for the door as Y/n was packing everything up for the day and glanced towards Luna who was doing the same while packing her things up. Not knowing what to do for now, he left the class and waited by the door for Luna.



He gets a message from his phone.

It was Luna.

Where are you??? You're not here 😩

Y/n texts back.

I'm by the door near the classroom... I'm just waiting for you...



Oh okay!! I'm heading out soon!!

Y/n nods at the message and waits a few more moments. That's when Luna appears from the doorway and runs to Y/n once she finds him. "Hey, Y/n!~ Sorry I made you wait..."

"It's fine... You're friends are important to you, right?"

"Right!~ But I wanted to make sure I walk with you home!~" Luna explained briefly before the two head off, Luna hugging her boyfriend's arm like this morning as they spoke and walked towards the train station. They boarded and took a seat, still cuddling and being cuddled as the train makes its stops.


Y/n had something on his mind.



He remembers the lack of interaction he and the girl had today. Especially with the lousy attempt of a conversation he tried before heading off to the clubroom. It felt like he wasn't trying, his efforts all went into his club mates when he had a girlfriend to focus on too.

"...I'm sorry if I seemed... distant today..."

"What? Why are you saying this?"

"I know... we just started dating yesterday... but I seriously am trying to pull my weight in this with the lack of knowledge on how a relationship works..."


Luna stares at Y/n for a second and glanced forward. With the silence between them making this ride longer, Luna leans her body softly yet needingly into Y/n. Even with her body language showing much of a serious concern, her aura seems to make everything a little bit more comfortable for the two.

Soon, she starts to smile. "I already know that you're not very experienced... with this boyfriend and girlfriend situation... I know it must be difficult, making you nervous that you're not doing a great job... because that's how I feel right now..."


"Mhm... but..."

She glanced up at Y/n with the most loving eyes he could ever see on her, nearly making his heart skip a beat. "I think, to me... If I'm able to be with you whenever we're both free... being with each others company... I think you're doing more than great in this..."

She goes back to snuggling her face into his shoulder which left the words from her lips to almost shutting his brain off. But with as much as of his conscious left in hand, he resorted to what he did before and leaned his head back on her.

But eventually, the train stops as they figured out that this was Luna's stop. She pouts a bit but knew she had to go as she waved to Y/n. "Bye bye, Y/n!~" she said as Y/n slowly waved back and watched as she walks off into the depths of the station and rode away to the next stop.


Afterwards, it was business for themselves as Luna did her stuff at home as our male protagonist went back with his musical roots by writing lyrics and playing music. Occasionally, they texted each other but other than that, it seems like this would be a normal day for their relationship.

A normal day that would go on like this everyday in Luna's eyes. Bland and boring as Luna didn't mind a bit if it meant this love could become romantically acceptable.


But that's only for Tuesdays and Thursday's.

...Tomorrow's Friday.

Luna Shirawkawa x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now