chapter 4

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"Reports of a minor robbery at Star Light Mall where two hundred books vanished without a trace. Investigations conclude, the thief is a person who is crazy for pages ..." I turned of the television snickering at the reporter's lame attempt at humour.
They'll notice they've been robbed three days from now.
He was right. It had been three days since I last heard from him. I had been sceptical about three days but it was like he knew everything in detail even before he did it.

I walked out of the building in a royal blue figure fitting strapless dress. My hair was tied in a puffy bunch at the back of my head and I had on my favorite diamond shaped silver earrings. What was the occasion?  I had received a reply to my application. I was getting a job at Green Garden Towers! Yay! And I still got to keep my little office across the street. Immediately after, I received an invitation to the semiannual art exhibit at Kress gallery halfway across town. I don't know why or from who it came from but he'll, who turns down a once in a lifetime chance to meet some of the best artist on earth? Not me.

" Hey,calm down Scott!" I barked making him stop trying to attack the birds that were perched up the huge hibiscus. He obeyed and started trotting towards the main road my hand tight on his leash. We had begun getting along fine. He let me pet him, brush his fur and give him a bubble bath.
Fun, though quite messy I have to admit.
Turns out he's not that grumpy. He's fun and playful but  very overprotective. The day before he'd near tore Jane to shreds when she gave me a bear hugs. I almost laughed remembering the look on her face. I don't think she's coming anywhere near him anytime soon.

The honk of a car horn brought me back to the present as a cab stopped right in front of me. " Going somewhere miss?" The driver asked from the half open window.

" Kress gallery, please." I got in Scott dragging Scott along. I stared out the window my phone at hand. For some reason, I actually wanted to hear from him. I wasn't scared of him unless...
He turned into a maniac... The thought made me shiver.

" We're here ma'am." The car halting snapped me back to life.
Already? That was fast.
I got out of the car, paid the driver and started towards the huge building with large glass windows.  During the ride I realized something in common between Scott and I. We both felt uncomfortable in tight crammed spaces. I showed my invitation at the gate and took Scott to the pet area. . He whined when I was about to leave him,  unlike the others, chained since he could easily snap the leash. " Don't worry buddy, I'll be back before you know it." I said as if talking to a child. He tilted his head a little and gave me a look I couldn't say no to.
Don't give me that look. You'll make me feel guilty about leaving you.
I patted his head gently and left knowing one more look at him would shatter my resolve. Now that he's taken care of, where do I start?

The gallery was packed. Lavishly dressed obviously rich people walked about talking, commenting, laughing. I felt out of place . I wonder what whoever invited me was thinking. I walked around occasionally being greated here and there, I realized mostly by men. One even went as far as asking if I was alone his eyes fixed on my hardly visible cleavage.
I ignored him and walked away wishing they'd allowed pets. Scott would have ripped the guys face off.

One painting caught my eye from a distance. It was surrounded. So many people looking at it others snapping photos. I got closer the image of the girl with lots of hair, sun kissed skin, big hazel eyes and a pink hibiscus in her hair becoming clear. Now I understood why I was invited. She was... me? How?

" There she is!" Someone shouted. Uh oh! Before I could make a run for it, I was surrounded. Blinded by camera flashes, I was trapped.
" What do you have to say about the art work?" " Do you have any personal relationship with Mr Grey?" "What kind of work do you do?" ...
The questions came flowing but my mind was too jumbled up to come up with answers.
I tried to push through the crowd but to no avail.
Can't breathe...
That was the time I wished Scott would just break the chain and come to my rescue.
Need... air...
Everything was swimming, the questions became distant echoes. My heart was beating fast begging for air. Begging for space.

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