Chapter 5

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I had spent hours packing and i still feel like i brought the wrong outfits

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I had spent hours packing and i still feel like i brought the wrong outfits. I would normally turn to my fashion book for this dilemma but i don't think i have any pre planned outfit's for this. The best i would do is come up with a chic travelling look. It was to late we had already landed in Japan.Sammy,Miss Colebourn and i where sat waiting to be picked up by driver from U.A. "miss i thought there was only to spots for this course" Oh yea and i forgot Stacy was also here. "They managed to make room for Rachael unrelated to the program" Miss Colebourn said not paying attention. "I guess a dead dad opens doors" "what was that bitch" I yelled about to slap her stupid face. "You must be the exchange students" a woman said grabbing are attention. "oh yes we spoke over the phone come on children " Miss Colebourn said gesturing us to the car. "I'm so glad we are in the same class Sammy. I think it will be fun" I said but Sammy just let out a noise. I couldn't tell if he was nervous or in thought. I was almost worried his breathing was speeding up. I normally don't do this but i was worried. Luckily i had he practicing a little. I calmed my breathing and tried to focus. I couldn't fully get his emotions they where confusing. i think i got anger towards me. "what" I said under my breath. did he not want me here.Maybe i was to obvious with my crush and he thinks i'm stalking him.what if he thought this was a escape from me and i just followed him here. I really really want to confront him
but I know it will start a argument especially if he has been in shark form lately. "ok we are here children" we all got out the car.we had be shown are rooms class won't be starting till Monday so we have the rest of the day. there was a small common area for the four of us. sammy was in the kitchen making what looks like instant ramen.I couldn't help but want to ask him.i'm trying to be respectful by not asking and letting him feel his emotions.I mean being here i have to grow up and be a new mature Rachael. "why are you mad at me" I blurted out a little to loud. Sammy just stood there with a frowning face. "wow she's finally lost it" Stacy said laughing while walking past us. "did you read my thoughts" He asked annoyed. "no more your emotions" "Rachael don't even do that and stay away from me" He said walking away. I tried to think of something to say to stop him. "you forgot your food" "not hungry". I had really fucked up but i can't figure out what i did wrong. I mean maybe he thinks it a little unfair i got in because of my family. I guess that's valid but i don't want him to hate would make are future wedding really awkward. I stayed in my room most of the day trying to give Sammy space. I know if i see his face my immediate reaction would be to talk to him.I spent the entire day doing skin care and a pedicure I even tried a new hair technique for my curls. Once i was done I lay in bed alone with my thoughts. Am i going to be a good enough i going to be as good as my father. I miss him so much I hope coming here will fill the emptiness he left. I began to tear up before dozing off.

(Rachael's U.A school uniform )

I was in a rush I wasn't late but i was actually excited

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I was in a rush I wasn't late but i was actually excited. I Felt like i actually had a goal beyond fashion.Almost I quickly got distracted by my reflection in one of the trophy cases. "shit i forgot to put on lip gloss" I say to myself.  I couldn't believe I would forget something to important.what if someone saw me it would be an awful. "What are you doing" I heard someone yelling behind me. I turned to see a tall boy with glasses and blue black hair. "are you talking to me." "the past students of this grad school didn't work had to win those trophies just so you can use the cases as a mirror" He then looked me up and down noticing my heels. "and those shoes are not appropriate" "oh don't worry there vegan" I cut him off.he the looks at me annoyed. "I meant there not appropriate for school you could fall and hurt yourself" what a stick in the mud. " first of all these are a mid heel no one is falling in them they are practically workout shoes. second of all why do you care if I put on some lip gloss it's really not that deep." "because as students we should take great pride in the school and as future heroes we should follow heath and safety rules" he stood there folded arms. I can believe i'm be policed by such an uptight "geek"oops wasn't supposed to say that part out loud. "What did you just call me" He yelled more. "i'm actually late for class" I slipped past him walking fast. "actually do you know where the classroom for one A is" I turn around. "your in class one A" he. said shocked. "why do you say it like that" He lightly cleared his throat before talking."nothing I'm just surprised I didn't see you in the exam" "i did my exam from the exchange program hence the british accent" He then looked at me for a moment. Why was he starring. held out his hand formally. "I don't believe I have introduced myself I'm Tenya Iida" He's so formal. i feel like i'm taking a loan out or having a serious business meeting. "I'm Rachael" I shook his had back. "I've heard how hard it is for the exchange student to get in you must be a gifted student" "not really i actually failed but my family knows the school so they managed to pull some strings and they fit me in" "can't you smell the nepotism coming from her" A voice came from behind it was stacy looking extra evil. "oh wait that's her cheap nock off jimmy choo" "the perfume is real but what would you know your signature sent in sperm and mediocrity" I snapped back at her. "I'm afraid i'm confused on what's going on and i don't believe that's a real sent"Iida said not knowing the verbal beatdown that was about to accrue. "you know you should stay away from her oh did i say her i meant him" "him! I know your not misgendering me when you look like more of a man then i do" She then began to rage. "oh yea well you are one" "that's so creative never heard that before.maybe if you spent less time trying to look like a wet dream from muppets special you might have time to come up with better insults" "I know your busy Rachael but we really should be getting to class" Iida said trying to break the tension. "you right we should really get to class bye Stacy enjoy being beneath my as always" I walk away with iida. "why was she calling you a man" he asked. "oh right transgender women she often throws unoriginal transphobia at me" he them went silent thinking. "I know what that is but i'm not to familiar with how it works. i will promise to lean everything to make you comfortable" he yelled. "yea you really don't have to do that just treat me like any other girl in your class" I responded i never did like people going over bored.being trans isn't my only identity. "as you wish i want to make my classmates as comfortable as possible" he yelled once more he seemed to have no control of his volume. "really even after i called you a geek" He nodded. "well then I guess your a geek in a sweet way." i said causing him to blush. he quickly snapped out of it and began yelling at another student. "Take you feet of that desk now" Iida walked over to a kid with crazy blonde hair. I began to look for seats there where to extra ones at the back im assuming there for the exchange students. I then sat behind a boy with a really cool half red half white hair. "hey excuse me" i said tapping his shoulder.I only then noticed his scar i wondered how he got it. shit i was quite for to long. "i was wondering what shampoo you use" I asked he. he looked at me in confusion. "for the white in your hair. my friend Electra just recently went blonde and she needs a silver shampoo recommendation and the silver in you hair is so beautiful" I said with a smile holding my phone out showing him a picture of Electra.he gave me a small smile back before turning around. did i say something.oh maybe he regrets going silver and just brought it up i can be so insensitive sometimes. "she needs a violet shampoo" a tall girl next to the boy said. "here send her this" she rolled up her sleeve and pulled a shampoo bottle from her arm. "did you just creat a beauty product from you skin. if i was into girls you'd be my dream woman" She laughed at my comment handing me the bottle. "I'm Rachael by the way" "one of the exchanges students from england right" she questioned.I nodded. "call me Momo" "oh like the lemur" she then looked at me in question. "so what is your quirk" she questioned. before i could answer the class started gushing over a short boy with green hair.oh wait that's the boy from tv and i just released so is that scary blonde guy. "if your just here to make friends you can pack up your stuff now" A large caterpillar said. wait not a caterpillar a man wait. "oh my beyoncé" It's the guy from my dad's picture.he looks older and in serious need of concealer. "hello i'm Shōta Aizawa your teacher" oh my god i'm going to be taught by my dads old friends.I wonder if he knows any of my fathers skills I can't wait to learn from him."

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