Chapter 3

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After Lisa unlocked the door, she stepped into her intimately lit suite, set her purse on the chair by the door, and arranged her high heels against the wall, almost sighing as her bare feet flattened on the carpet.

Taehyung sent her an amused look, and she stared down at her toes. She'd taken her shoes off on autopilot. It was one of her routines. Was it rude to do that when you had company? Maybe she should put them back on. Her stomach knotted, and her heart raced at rabbit speed.

He took the decision out of her hands by kicking off his own black leather shoes and positioning them next to hers. When he finished, he shrugged out of his suit jacket and tossed it on the chair next to her purse, revealing the simple white T-shirt underneath. It stretched over his chest and upper arms, and his jeans rode low on narrow hips. Lisa couldn't help but stare.

His body was raw sculpted muscle and loose-limbed coordination. He was by far the finest male specimen she'd ever laid eyes on.

And they were going to have sex tonight.

She took a desperate breath and marched into the bathroom, where she braced her hands on the cool granite and stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her eyes were open a fraction too wide, and her face was paper pale, her lips dry. She didn't think she could go through with this. She shouldn't have picked such a good-looking escort. What had she been thinking?

Her lips twisted with a grimace. She hadn't been thinking. After perusing the escort files for hours, sifting through countless faces and descriptions that had blurred together, she'd taken one look at Taehyung and known he was the one. It'd been his eyes. Dark brown with slashing eyebrows above, they looked intense . . . but kind. All of his five-star reviews had only cemented her decision. Looking like the hottest K-drama star ever didn't hurt, either. Well, except for now, that was. There was a good chance she might throw up her dinner into the sink.

Through the mirror, she saw him step into the doorway and lean against the jamb. That motion alone was so sexy, she felt her heart trip, stumble, and scramble to continue beating. He walked into the bathroom and stopped behind her, his eyes locked on hers in the mirror. When she wasn't wearing her heels, he was more than half a foot taller than her. She wasn't sure if she liked feeling this small.

"Can I take your hair down?" he asked.

She nodded once. Within seconds, the tension on her scalp released, and her hair tumbled free. Her black hairband landed on the countertop before he eased his fingers into her hair, separating the tendrils so they fell to her shoulders and down her back. She vibrated with tension as she waited for him to initiate intimacy and send her body into nervous lockdown. It was going to happen, and then he'd see what he was working with.

A black imperfection on his bicep caught her eye, and she turned around to inspect it closer. She lifted a hand to touch it but stopped before making contact. She never touched people without permission. "What is this?"

His lips curved with a slow, crooked grin, showing off perfect white teeth. "My tattoo."

Her throat worked on an involuntary swallow, and a wave of heat swept over her. She'd never seen the point of tattoos. Until now. Taehyung with a tattoo was just about the hottest thing she could imagine.

Her fingers itched to pull his sleeve up farther, and she wavered over his arm until he caught her hand in his and pressed it to his skin. An electric jolt shot from her fingertips straight to her heart. He looked so perfect, like carved stone, but his skin was smooth and hot, firm but giving, alive.

"You can touch me," he said. "Anywhere."

Even as the invitation thrilled her, it gave her pause. Touching was such a private thing. She didn't understand how he was able to do it so well with people he didn't know.

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