Healing Touch ep 18

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At the police station...

The atmosphere there buzzed with activity, but Neslihan felt a numbness that seemed to drown out the chaos around her. Shocked by the news of her father's death, she sat in silence, her mind reeling with disbelief and grief. Tears welled up in her eyes, blurring her vision as she stared blankly at the cold, tiled floor.

In the midst of her turmoil, Ali's voice broke through the silence, a whispered promise of vengeance. ..

"Mother, look at me," he urged, his tone filled with determination.

"I'll find whoever did this. They will pay!" Ali assured...

Neslihan lifted her gaze to meet his, her expression a mix of anguish and confusion.

"What do you mean?" she asked, her voice trembling with emotion.

Ali hesitated, his silence speaking volumes. Neslihan's heart sank as the truth dawned on her.

"Dad... was killed?" she whispered, her voice barely audible amidst the chaos of the station.

As the reality of her father's death washed over her, Neslihan broke down, her sobs echoing through the room. Desperately trying to make sense of the senseless tragedy, she covered her face with her trembling hands, her world crumbling around her.

Amidst the turmoil, Alaz's accusation pierced the air like a knife.

"And the murderer is his father!" he spat, his words dripping with venom.. Neslihan looked at him shocked...

" Güven would never do something like this ! ..." Neslihan immediately reacted

Ali erupted in fury, his voice rising above the din of the station.

"I'll shut your mouth, you!" he shouted, his anger palpable.

Neslihan watched helplessly as her sons clashed, their voices merging into a cacophony of rage and despair. The police attempted to intervene, but their efforts only seemed to escalate the tension, the situation spiraling further out of control..

As Neslihan's panic mounted, her breaths grew shallow and erratic, her chest constricting with each labored inhalation. She reached instinctively for her necklace, her fingers fumbling with the clasp as she struggled to draw air into her lungs.

In the midst of the chaos, Güven emerged from the interrogation room, his eyes scanning the room until they landed on Neslihan, her distress evident even from a distance.

"Neslihan..." he whispered, his voice a soothing balm amidst the turmoil.

An officer approached, intent on maintaining order, but Güven's focus remained fixed on Neslihan, his concern evident in every line of his face.

"She's not okay!" Güven protested...
his voice rising above the din of the station.

"We can't just..." The officer began, but Güven cut him off, his resolve unwavering.

"Am I supposed to leave her like this?" he demanded, his voice laced with frustration.

"I'm a doctor! She's having a panic attack! Are you going to leave her like this?" Güven yelled...

The officer hesitated, torn between protocol and compassion, but Güven's determination won out in the end.

"Leave me ! Immediately ! " he ordered, stepping back to allow Güven to approach Neslihan.

Güven knelt beside her, his touch gentle yet firm as he reached for her trembling hands.

"Neslihan," he murmured, his voice a soothing melody amidst the chaos.

"Look at me ... Calm down...." Güven said gently...

Neslihan's tear-filled eyes met his, her gaze reflecting a mixture of fear and relief

"I... can't... breathe..." she gasped, her words choked with emotion.

Güven's heart clenched at the sight of her distress, but he remained steadfast in his resolve to help her find peace. "It will pass," he assured her, his voice a steady anchor in the storm.

"I'm here... look." He added...

" Stop them ... please... " Neslihan begged breathlessly...

"  STOP DAMN IT !!! .... " Güven yelled at the boys ...

But they didn't hear him because of their loud voices, and the police already took care of them...

He turned back to look at Neslihan... with practiced ease, Güven gently unbuttoned her shirt collar, his touch feather-light against her skin.

"Nothing is choking you..." he murmured, his voice a soft reassurance.

"Look at me and let's breathe together... come on." Güven asked...

As Neslihan struggled to regain control of her breath, Güven ran his fingers through her hair, his touch a comforting caress against her trembling form. Slowly, gradually, her breathing began to steady, the panic subsiding under Güven's steady guidance.

Meanwhile, Alaz's outburst threatened to escalate the situation further, but Güven remained focused on Neslihan, his attention unwavering in the face of adversity.

With a firm yet gentle hands , Güven guided Neslihan to her feet and carried her between his arms ... Neslihan was gripping his shirt tightly...

Güven placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, a silent promise of support and reassurance. "Come on," he murmured...

" Is there any room where can I treat her ? " Güven asked in a hurry ...

" Yes ! Follow me ... " the officer answered and guided them to the room..

Güven led Neslihan away from the chaos towards a quiet room at the end of the hallway...

Inside, Güven helped Neslihan to lie down on the bed, her grip on his shirt tightening as she clung to him for support, and this made Güven very close to her face ...

"Don't leave me alone," she pleaded... her voice barely above a whisper.

Güven's heart ached at the vulnerability in her voice, but he remained steadfast in his commitment to her well-being.

"I won't," he vowed, his voice a soft murmur against her ear.

"I'm here... you're not alone." He holds one of her hands tight between his ..

" Come on ! Breath with me ! Come on .. deep and long breaths... " Güven whispered warmly, looking into her beautiful brown eyes...

Neslihan started to follow Güven's steps ...

And gradually, her breathings stabilized...
She closed her eyes for a moment, and Güven smiled . He gently wiped her tears with his thumb...

As Neslihan buried her face in his chest, her tears soaking his shirt, Güven held her close, his arms a shelter from the storm raging within her.

In that moment, amidst the chaos of the police station and the turmoil of their emotions, Güven and Neslihan found solace in each other's arms, their bond forged in the crucible of adversity and strengthened by the power of their love.


Hello, my dears. I hope you'll like it 🫶

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