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Water dripping can be heard from a distance.She smells a terribly awful rotten odor.

May awoke immediately and looked in front of her.My gaze met the unpleasant monster's eyes, which were drooling while looking at her.The gap between her and the black thing is only 10 feet.The sound of water drops is caused by the creature's saliva.

His entire body is black and shaped like a human shadow; he is the same size as a large adult person.His two hollow eyes, with a glimpse of total white, stared directly into May's.He appears as if he just noticed her.His arm is so long that it looks like it will hit the ground. His hands are extremely large and nails really long and sharp.

She was unable to move or breathe.Her voice was choked up with fear.Her complexion grew pale. The young body is quivering in terror as she sees the scared entity standing right in front of her and staring at her.

The monsterous creature tilted his head 45 degrees to get a good look at the frightened girl, and then he let out a terrifying smile, showing off his huge mouth that reached to his ears, as well as the sharp and numerous fangs.

*Human, A human has arrived.Grrrrrrrrrr.........*

His terrifying, shaky, and cracking voice comes out as if it is alarming something.

Another creature, similar to him but slightly different in shape, approached him as soon as they heard him.

Calm down.May.You must pull yourself together.He does not come and attack me right right away; instead, he keeps an eye on me to ensure that I do not run away.He is waiting for another.That means that by the time those creatures arrive, I'll probably be dead.I have to run now.

May's legs are shaky, but she does her best to stand on the ground and sprint with all her strength.

The creature was worried when he saw his pray flee and yelled in a loud and terrifying voice, telling the other creatures to go after the girl.

They chase the poor child furiously.

"What are these?"May was terrified when she noticed shadows chasing her behind her. "I'm going to die," she told herself.They are quite fast.The space between her and them is getting closer and closer.

As a human, she cannot run faster than this.She will undoubtedly get caught at some point.

*Human, the wonderful aroma of a human.I want her body.It is so young and fresh.The creature's growl, frightening voice, and excited smile can be seen as they chase her.He hear their voice and intend to target her body.But, why?

May eventually became worn out. Her body is unable to keep up with her mind.

'Is this it for me?But if I died right now.Will I be able to follow my mother and father?Then why should I continue running?

May began to slow down as numerous thoughts crossed her mind.She misses her mother.Her happiness vanished three years ago, with the deaths of her mother and father.She wishes she was in car that day.

It was all my fault.I should have gone with them so that I could be with them in their final moments.

She was left alone, She wasn't okay but she pretended to be okay in front of her aunt, who is very kind to her despite the fact that she is only a burden to her.She wishes to leave this world and follow her adored mother and father.But she's too coward to do that.

This is the time for me. A path to leave everything behind and stop being a burden to everyone.Yes, it can be better this way.

The girl eventually slows down since she is already prepared for the most painful death. The reality is, she is still afraid of dying.Her nose was irritated by the rotting odor of the creatures behind her.It's extremely awful.

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