Kings of the World Chapter 12 / 15

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They picked up some plastic storage tubs as they moved through the building, and when they entered the empty nurses office they quietly closed the door and allowed themselves a brief moment of celebration.

They opened every cupboard and drawer, pulling out first aid supplies and piling them into the storage boxes. They broke the lock off a sealed cabinet and found boxes of pills and bottles with names on the front.

"Just grab everything," Miguel said. "We can sort it later, back at the house."

"Hey, Amoxicillin is an antibiotic, right?" Robby asked, holding up a large bottle.

"Yeah, I think so," Miguel said, as he stuffed another arm full of medications into the box.

Robby shook the bottle. "This is a liquid version."

"Mr. LaRusso said that different ones treat different illnesses. How do we know it's the right one?"

"If we had the internet we could find out pretty quick," Robby said, as he moved over towards a shelf. "Of course, we could do what people did before they had the internet, and actually look it up in a book."

Miguel watched as Robby started pulling books off the shelf, scanning through the contents, then abandoning them. "Do they make books about medications?"

"Only one way to find out," Robby said, as he pulled a book off the shelf and threw it towards Miguel.

Miguel caught the book, and started flipping through it. He abandoned the book, then moved over to the shelves and joined Robby, picking up random books and flipping through them.

"Hey, this one's laid out like a dictionary," Robby said.

"Go to A and see if it's there," Miguel said, as he moved to Robby's side.

"Shit, are these drugs?" Robby asked, as he moved through the As.

"Acarbose... Alf-Alf... Hell, I can't even say that one," Miguel said.

"Amlodipine... Amoxicillin!" Robby read triumphantly. "It treats Sinusitis, Chronic Pulmonary Disease, Pneumonia! It even says how much we should give him!"

"Put it in the box," Miguel said with a smile. "We just need the oxygen now."

As Robby shoved the book into the storage box, Miguel looked round the room. All that was left now was a large metal cabinet with a padlock on the front. He looked round the office for something heavy to smash the lock with, and found a metal letter opener instead.

Miguel stuck the letter opener in between the metal bars of the padlock, then picked up the baseball bat. "Might wanna step back," he said, as he raised the bat, then smashed it down onto the letter opener.

The padlock broke, flying across the room, and the cabinet doors flew open.

"Oh my god," Miguel said, as he picked up a cannister that stood inside. It was a metal cylinder, with a series of valves and dials at the top, and attached to it was a long piece of tubing and a mask at the end.

"Is that it?" Robby asked.

"It's oxygen," Miguel said excitedly as he turned it over in his hands and looked at the label. "We actually found one!"

"Check see if there's any more," Robby said, as Miguel handed it to him.

Miguel pulled open the other cabinet door, and was dismayed to find there was no more. "Looks like that was the only one."

He turned around, and Robby was flicking the dial with his fingertip, then his face fell.

"What's wrong?" Miguel asked.

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