Chapter five - the boyfriend

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The next 2 weeks go by, and she still hasn't changed. She's still so bossy, rude and quite frankly a pain in my ass but, I have managed to keep my cool, due to my offer with Diana. If it wasn't for her proposal I would have left as soon as she had a go at me for being late with her coffee.
In these past two weeks I've mainly been accompanying her to her meetings, with lots of movie directors, and what not, where they also made me sign an NDA, for when Miss Olsen starts filming for her new Marvel project, I can't lie I'm quite excited as I will be able to go on a film set which I've never done before! I've also been doing the usual run of making sure her calendar and schedules are all aligned so there aren't any cross overs with meetings or what not, which I don't mind doing as I can do it at home, I have not yet had any massive issues with overlapping but I'm sure I will when filming starts.
Furthermore as I'm the best assistant in the world, I do go above and beyond and get her coffee every morning, the same dull one which I daren't ever comment on unless I want a whooping from her, which I like to think she appreciates but I never can tell with her ever so straight face, it's almost as if she's an actress, but then again I'm pretty sure she hates me so she probably is just very straight faced.
Speaking of the devil..

Incoming call: Miss Olsen...
"Y/n have you picked my dress up yet from the office?" She firmly inquired.
"Well hello to you too miss Olsen, no but I'm just about to go in and pick it up, it's in Diana's office right?" I sigh.
"No need for the sarcasm y/l/n. Need I remind you that I gave you the morning off so be grateful, don't make me force you to apologise again, you know how that went the first time" she says slyly, I can feel her smirk through the phone screen, and I cough at her boldness.
"Cat got your tongue? Anyways yes it should be up there, and if it's not I have you to blame, you were the one who nearly ordered it to the wrong place" she states. God she can't go one minute without pressing my buttons.
"Haha. I will be at your house as soon as I can, I'll see you in a bit Ma'am" and I end the phone call straight away because she's already fired me up for the day.

The reason as to why Miss Olsen needs this said dress is that her sisters are coming from NYC to do a fashion show, showing off their brand 'the row'. So I suggested for it to be sent to the office as it wouldn't end well if it was left on her door step. So... here I am picking it up. I take the elevator and head straight to the office, now knowing my way completely around here seeing as Olsen  is here quite often.
I open the door without knocking, knowing that they're not working due to it being a Sunday, and quickly locate the dress bag with the name 'Elizabeth Olsen' written on the front. Bingo.
I then make my way back to the car and head to her favourite coffee shop- because like I said I'm the best, and I also needed a coffee anyways... but, oh well. Looking at my watch it says 16:35. Shit I need to get a move on.
I make it to her house in record timing, pulling up to her house I notice that they're two more cars on the driveway meaning she's still getting ready phew. I walk though the doorway without knocking because I know no one will answer as I'm sure it's like hell in here. And I was not wrong. There was make up all sprawled out on the kitchen island and hair products flung everywhere.
Miss Olsen was sat on one of the bar stools facing away from me so I decided to give her, her coffee first so I could lay her dress on her bed up stairs.
"Hi miss Olsen-" I greeted not before a loud shriek from the actress appeared.
"Jesus fuck y/n!! What have said about being sneaky, wait did you get me my coffee?" She asked with a waver in her voice still calming down from the fright I gave her.
"Yeah I figured you might need it, you've probably had a hectic afternoon and this was my way of apologising, after the phone call" I say in hopes that she eases her anger towards me, although I must say she's incredibly hot when angry, but she can be scary too. She quirks an eyebrow- oops I must have been staring off into space. "Thank you y/n. You were right I do need this." She iterates quietly, almost as if she didn't want to say thank you, but more as if she had to. Well that could have gone better,  so moving onto plan b. 
"Could I make you any food whilst your hair and makeup is being done. Perhaps anchovy on toast?" This better work, or I'm going to have to sue. As soon as the words rolled off my tongue her head whips around and looks me dead in the eye "y/n that would be amazing. Thank you so much. How'd you know?" and that was the first time I'd ever seen her genuinely smile. My god she has the most beautiful smile. I nod my head in response and wink , not being able to formulate a coherent sentence, why must she look so god damn perfect. If I'm not mistaken I see a light shade of pink spread across her cheeks, oh god did the wink make her blush. Wait it's probably just the blush.

I quickly turn around and get to work as I didn't want to seem creepy for staring at her. I put Miss Olsens favourite sourdough bread in the toaster, and get the anchovies out. God this smells repulsive but whatever she wants, she gets. I butter the toast, and put the stinky fish on there and sprinkle some chilli flakes on top, as I read an article somewhere that she quite likes spicy food. I bring her a glass of water as well and pass it to her. As I'm doing this I begin to get nervous due to realising this is the first time I've made food for her, I usually just get something ready done for her. She says a quick thank you and I stand to the side of her in anticipation to see whether she's gonna love it or if she's gonna hit me.
She moans quietly. And heat instantly rushed to my cheeks. Damn you. She turns her whole body to me and says "oh my god y/ n what ingredients did you add to this?! It's so good.. I really appreciate this I haven't eaten all day I've been stressing over this event all day even though it's just for my sisters". She smiles again. Holy fuck.
"It's a secret miss Olsen... and Ma'am you know I'm literally your assistant you can tell me whatever you want, you should of told me you were stressed this morning I could've made you breakfast. You need to eat all meals, even if it is a red carpet kinda day" I say with a lopsided smile. She just half chuckles and nods in understanding. It then goes back to silence between us as the make up and hair team finish up. Miss Olsen is about to go upstairs and put her dress on when the door opens and slams shut.

And in walks in Miss Olsens so called fiancée, Who I haven't had the pleasure of meeting yet.
"Robbie baby! Hi I missed you" Miss Olsen greets the Jesus looking dude (a/n I love Robbie irl please don't hate me lol), and leans in for a kiss but he moves his head to the side and only mumbles a quick hi. My eyebrows furrow in confusion. Is this man okay? He's just been greeted by quite frankly one of , if not the prettiest woman I've ever laid eyes on and he can't even kiss his fiancée. Ugh straight people. Actually.. men.. no Robbie is a Dickhead. Lizzie looks down at her feet not knowing what to do as she's certain everyone saw they're little situation. She's try's to clear it up by saying "so my love your suit is upstairs, I just need to get dressed also then we can leave!" She grins excitedly, now he's here. But her grin is quickly replaced with a big frown when he states "go where Lizzie? I'm not going anywhere Lizzie I'm too tired from band practice." With a stern voice.
Miss Olsens shoulders deflate and tears begin to build up in her eyes.

Oh for god sake, I just made her smile for the first time today, and this bozo has to ruin it. "But Robbie you promised you'd come!! This is my sisters show we're talking about I'm not asking you to go any where out of the ordinary. Please come?" She practically begs him. Come on man .
"No. End of story, just go by yourself. Like you said your sisters will be there, you don't need me there you just want me there." and then storms off into what seems to be a music studio. Huh I've never seen that room before.

I turn my head to Miss Olsen and she quickly diverts her gaze and runs upstairs. Great. However after ten minutes she comes downstairs in a beautiful dress that looks breathtaking on her, and my breath hitches slightly at the sight, I mean there's no denying how naturally stunning she is.

She just looks so elegant

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She just looks so elegant. She walks towards me, with slightly red eyes suggesting that she had just stopped crying and says "please can you take me -well drop me off? I know I only said for you to help me this afternoon, but seeing as I'm going alone I need to get there somehow." She looks down at her feet she's never usually this shy, Robbie really must have got to her. "Miss Olsen I will gladly do that, however just so you know I will not be dropping you off, I'll come with you. I insist I can't let you go alone, and don't even dare think about starting something I mean it" I squint my eyes at her, knowing she was about to open her mouth but she closed it. Huh, that's another first for today.

She grabs her clutch off the dining table and we begin to head out.

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