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The bar's lively hum enveloped us as we settled into our routine, the week's weight lifting with each shared laughter and sip of our drinks.

"So, my week was insane," Jess began, "I had this huge presentation, and-"

"Wait till you hear about mine," I interjected, the memory too fresh to keep inside. "I met someone...unexpected."

Their curiosity was immediate. "Who?" Mia leaned in, her eyes sparkling with the promise of a story.

"His name's Eros," I said, the name itself causing a hush. "I was trying to cut through this alley, the one by the bookstore, and there he was. In my way."

"Tell us everything!" Jess urges, her grin wide.

"He was like a figure from another era, standing there at the opening of the alleyway. His hair was this perfect shade of blond, not too light or dark, just golden. It fell in soft waves, just brushing his collar," I describe, my hands gesturing the length.

"And his eyes?" Mia prompted, her own blue eyes reflecting the intrigue.

"His eyes," I continue, "were like the deepest ocean blue, but so clear, like they held a story that was both joy and sorrow."

"What did he smell like?" Jess asked, always the romantic.

"It was like a mix of pine and something sweet, almost like caramel, but fresher. It was intoxicating," I confessed, a smile tugging at my lips.

As if on cue, Mia's gaze drifted past me to a secluded corner of the bar. "Vera is that him over there?" she whispered, her finger discreetly pointing him out.

I turned slowly, my heart leaping. There he was. Eros, his profile unmistakable even in the dim light. "It sure is" I breathed out, surprised and a little thrilled.

Excusing myself, I approached him with a mixture of determination and trepidation. "Eros?" I said, my voice somehow finding strength.

He looked up, a recognition lighting up his features. "Vera," he greeted, a warm smile spreading across his face. "Fancy seeing you here."

The coincidence of Ero's presence in the same bar sent a jolt of excitement through me. "Do you want to join me and my friends?" I asked, motioning toward the table where Jess and Mia were trying to contain their eagerness.

Eros nodded, "I'd like that."

As we approached, Jess and Mia straightened up, their eyes wide with anticipation. "Everyone, this is Eros," I introduced him with a gesture, my voice full of nerves.

"Hi Eros," they chimed in unison, their smiles welcoming.

We settled into the conversation, the ice breaking as the first round of drinks arrived. Eros's charm was effortless, and soon we were all laughing as if he'd always been part of the group.

Then, Jess turned to Eros with a mischievous glint in her eye. "So, Eros, have you ever seen Vera's victory dance after a round of darts?"

I felt a blush creep up my cheeks. "Jess, don't you dare," I warn playfully.

"Oh, it's a sight," Mia chimed in, giggling. "She gets this intense look, then dos this little shimmy-"

Eros laughed, his eyes dancing with amusement. "I'd pay to see that."

The night unfolded with a series of stories and shared laughter, each tale more embarrassing than the last, but with Eros there, it felt more like a celebration of all the quirks that made our friendship so special.

The bar's atmosphere buzzed with energy, and the game of darts became the night's epicenter. "I haven't played in ages," Eros confessed, his hand casually brushing the darts as if appraising them.

I grinned, feeling the buzz from the drinks. "Well, you're in for a treat. I'm notoriously competitive."

With a confident nod, Eros takes his position at the line. His throws were precise, each dart landing just shy of the bullseye. It was my turn, and the playful cheers from Jess and Mia spurred me on.

"You've got this, Vera!" Jess shouted.

As I released each dart, I felt an unfamiliar ease, and to my surprise, I scored higher than Eros. He clapped, his eyes crinkling with delight. "Seems I'm no match for you," he said.

I turned to my friends, a victorious smile on my face. "You asked for it," I teased before launching into my infamous victory dance. My hips swayed, and I threw my arms up, shimmying with exaggerated enthusiasm.

Eros's laughter mixed with my friends', and I couldn't help but join in. The warmth of the moment filled me; it was rare to find someone who fit so seamlessly into our group. "Next rounds on me," I declared, still riding the high of my win.

"Only if you teach me that dance," Eros bargained, a playful challenge in his tone.

"Deal," I agreed, the night unfolding with the promise of more laughter and shared secrets.

The evening had unwound in a symphony of laughter and clinking glasses, and as the last call echoed through the bar, we all knew it was time to head out. Jess and Mia were a few steps behind, their voices muffled by the distance and their own bubbly conversation, while Eros and I walked side by side, leading the way into the brisk night.

The air outside was a refreshing contrast to the warm, crowded atmosphere we'd left behind. "I can't remember the last time I had so much fun," I confess, wrapping my arms around myself for warmth.

Eros glances at me, his smile genuine and eyes bright. "Yeah, tonight was incredible. You and your friends are... you're a breath of fresh air."

The compliment sent a flush of warmth through me, battling the night's chill. "We should definitely do this again," I said, hoping my eagerness wasn't too obvious. "Maybe next time, you can actually hit the dartboard," I teased, nudging his arm playfully.

He laughed, a rich sound that seemed to make the night sparkle. "I'll practice just for that. But only if you promise to go easy on me next time."

We reached the point where the sidewalk forked, and I felt a twinge of disappointment. "So, about next time... Can I get your number?" I asked, my heart thumping with anticipation of his reply.

Eros's expression shifted, a flicker of something unreadable passing over his features. "I wish I could," he began, his voice laced with a hint of something like regret. "But I don't have a number to give. It's a long story, but my situation is a bit...unconventional."

The words hit me harder than I expected, a mix of confusion, and a dull ache of rejections. "Oh," I managed, trying to keep my tone light. "That's okay, maybe another time, then."

"Vera," he said softly, "I'm really sorry. I wish things were different."

The night air was cool against my skin as I turned away from Eros, his apology lingering between us. "It's alright, Eros. We all have our stories, right?" I tried to sound understanding, to ease the awkwardness.

He gave a small, appreciative smile. "Yeah, we do. And I hope you know, I genuinely enjoyed tonight."

His words, sincere and kind, brought a sense of calm over me. "Me too," I managed, feeling the truth of it despite the odd turn of events. "Goodnight, Eros"

"Goodnight, Vera" he called out softly as I turned to catch up with my friends, feeling the sting of the moment.

As I walked away, I risked one last glance back. Eros stood there, an enigmatic figure bathed in the pale glow of the streetlamp, watching me leave. Leaving him standing there, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was so much more beneath his surface.

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