Just A Henry

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Walking through the halls of my school, I could feel the eyes of people staring and judging. I let out a sigh and made my way to my lockers. I opened the locker and grabbed my history book. I shoved the book into my bag and slammed the locker shut. Once I turned around, I met eyes with Olivia. She's a few inches taller then me, has a curvy body, and has light pink hair.

"You're such a loser, Ella," Olivia teased, rolling her eyes.

"Shut up.." I muttered and tried to walk away, only to be pushed against the wall.

"You may think you're the main character, but you're really not. Just because you have some grandma white hair doesn't mean you're all that. You're nothing but a broke little bitch," Olivias hands pinned me to the locker, making me more upset with each passing second.

"Go hang out with your little boyfriend... im sure he'd love to talk to you." I looked away, avoiding eye contact.

"Let her go," I heard a voice say from down the hall. Both Olivia and I looked down the hall and our eyes wandered upon a boy. He's tall... has black hair that goes down to his chin, brown eyes, and dimples. The boy approached and pushed Olivia away from me. Olivia looked at the boy in shock.

"Dont you know who my daddy is?!" Olivia whined and crossed her arms. "Hes the principle of this school! You can't touch me!"

"What is he gonna do? Send me to the dungeon? I'm not scared of a few spiders." The boy spoke in a serious tone. Like he was serious about going to a dungeon. What is this boy talking about? The worst the principle is gonna do is sending the boy to ISS.. not a dungeon.

"Ew! Whats wrong with you? There's no dungeon here.." Olivia scoffed, rolling her eyes and walking away.

"Damn... earth is boring." The boy muttered under his breath not loud enough for Olivia to hear.. but I heard it clearly. The boy then turned to face me. "You good?"

"Uh- yeah! N-no issue. Th-thank you." I stuttered out, trying to figure out what he meant by 'earth is boring'

"Well nice to meet you, I guess. I'm uh... Im Henry. Yeah... just Henry. I'm just a henry!" He managed to say while trying to clear his mind. It was almost like he didn't know his own name. 

"Well, 'just Henry', Ella... Ella Jones." I studied his features, taking note to the fact he has a mole on his cheek and a tiny scar on his neck.

"Thats a pretty name." Henry smiled, crossing his arms over his chest. "It suits you."

I felt a bit of blush creep onto my cheeks... making me flustered. Was he flirting with me? Or just being nice? I couldn't tell. "Thank you.. I- uh- like your name too. I had a dog named Henry once."

"Personally, I don't like being compared to animals." Henry chuckled a bit before speaking again. "Unless they are cute. Was Henry a cute dog?"

I laughed a bit and nodded. "Yup. The cutest dog Ive ever owned."

"Thats good to know... anyways- who was that girl? She seemed pretty bossy.." Henry gestured towards the direction that Olivia had went.

"That was Olivia Smith. She's like.. really popular and rich. She hates my guts and whoever tries to get in her way. So I'm gonna assume that you're her next target." I laughed nervously, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Damn... so I've already got a bad reputation?" Henry sighed, running his fingers through his hair. "So, wanna be friends? You don't seem like you have any."

I wasn't sure if that was a complement or an insult... but whatever! He's just- awkward, I guess.

"Uhm... I guess we could be friends." I shrugged. "But I'm not exactly the best company... so don't expect much."

"Sounds fine to me! I'll break you out of your shell faster than you can say 'soup and seaweed'!" Henry smiled happily and put his hands on his hips.


Over the next week or so, I had finally got a friend. Henry. He's sweet and funny. He can be flirty at times, and he's pretty protective. Olivia has been to scared to bother me because Henry is always by my side. I'm not sure why Henry wants to stick around, but I have no issue with it. He really didn't lie when he said he was going to break me out of my shell. We talk everyday over the phone and its become normal for us to walk to class together.

One day, I was in gym class and minding my own business and passing a ball back and forth with Henry when Olivia came over with her boyfriend, Max. Max is a football player and is very muscular. He's known for getting into fights and bullying other students. 

"Oi! Are you the new kid, Henry?!" Max stomped over to Henry and I, grabbing Henry by the collar of his shirt and slamming him to the wall. "Who do you think you are!? Putting your hands on my girlfriend!"

"Yeah, baby. He pushed me away from that stinky Ella!" Olivia whined, hiding behind Max as if Henry actually hurt her.

"Woah! Woah! Woah!" Henry chuckled, holding Max's wrist.

"Dont you EVER touch my girlfriend again!" Max demanded, trying to choke Henry.

Henry just kept laughing, not at all bothered by Max. Henrys grip tightened on Maxs wrist, forcing Max to let go.

"You really don't know your place," Henry smiled and twisted Max's arm, making max groan in pain and causing Olivia to take a step back in fear. "Where I come from, women and men have the same... what do you guys call it? Rules? Rights?- yup! That's the one! Men and women have the same rights. But men have the power to hit a women if she strikes first. Olivia came at Ella. I was simply defending the innocent."

"Stop being such a bitch," Max replied, trying and failing to pull his arm away. "You're just jealous."

Before I knew it, Max was flying across the room. He hit the wall and got the wind knocked out of him.

"Dont fuck with me, Max." Henry muttered between gritted teeth. "Dont come near me or Ella again."

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