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[October 23rd]

Saturdays were pretty uneventful for Toni, she loved the chill time. Usually her alone time was spent in her sweats and a tank, sweet popcorn and whatever show she feels like binging. Todays special pick was the fear street movies, She loves scary movies. If she's being honest she more watches the fear street trilogy for her favourite ship - Sam and Deena.


Toni slightly jumps at her phone buzzing beside her, who would interrupt her binging Saturdays? She picks her phone up and stares at the caller ID 'jughead'. She groans internally, answering the call.

"What do you want, Jones? You know my Saturdays are reserved for binging with no interruptions" 

"Alright Toni I know, I know. Please can you give up the rest of your binge Saturday for me, I need you to come with me to the bijou tonight. They're showing this new movie and I know Betty is going, I wanna make her jealous." Toni groaned aloud this time, why must he ruin her fun gay movie watching time. 

"you owe me." 

"8pm sharp!" Jughead shouts quickly down the phone before Toni hangs up. She jumps up and rummages through her closet for an outfit, was she meant to make it look like they were on a date or was this casual? She finally settles on an outfit, does some subtle makeup and heads to the bijou.


As Toni rides up to the bijou she sees Jughead standing with Betty, which was weird because the whole reason jughead called her was because he wanted to make Betty jealous...

The tiny serpent hopped off her bike and headed in the direction of Jughead.

"Jones" Toni shouted, breaking both Betty and jughead out of their trances. "I thought you needed me to come?" She questioned, Jugheads expression changed to panic.

"Shit Toni, I completely forgot to call you and tell you that Betty decided to come with me after all..." He stops and looks at Betty who is gesturing toward Toni, Hinting at jughead to ask her to join them, "Toni you could uhh, join us if you'd like?" 

"I'll just grab a seat alone, but thanks" Toni gave them a small smile and made her way in, She was here already so staying wouldn't hurt anyone. As she walked up to the bar to grab a drink, she spots the same red head she's seen oh so many times. 

Cheryl felt eyes on her, looking up she saw-

of course. Toni Topaz. 

"Can I help you?" Cheryl snapped slight, she didn't mean to, reflex I guess. 

"I never took you as the kind of girl who enjoyed movie dates, who's the lucky guy... or girl?" Toni watched as Cheryls face grew slightly red with the last comment.

"Not that it's an of your business, but I'm here alone. Plus if I were on a date, which I'm not, it most definitely wouldn't be with a girl" Cheryls voice lowered at the mention of being on a date with another girl, she wasn't even sure if what she was saying was true so why would someone else believe her? 

"No need to get feisty with me, Red. It was just a question. What's a pretty girl like you doing here alone, hm?" Toni took a small step closer to Cheryl, making the redhead tense up. 

"Im just trying to get away from my spiteful mother, who has turned our house into- lets just say I don't need to see random men walking in and out of my mothers room all night." Cheryl looked down in shame, Toni put her hand on her arm and gave her a small smile.

"Look, I know you're not my biggest fan, I was gonna grab a seat alone... I could always use the company?" Cheryl looked up at Toni, a small tear I her eye. Toni wanted to bring her hand up and wipe it but refrained, in case Cheryl wasn't comfortable with being so touchy. 

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