Episode | 2

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Ronin found his godfather in his office, fussing over the positioning of his prized bonsai trees. He'd taken up the horticultural hobby on Eli's recommendation, but it soon fell by the wayside as most of his extracurricular activities did.

Ronin observed Eli from the doorway, aware the older man sensed his presence. He said nothing to hurry the man's acknowledgment, confident his godfather ignored him on purpose.

Satisfied with his stalling, Eli turned, acting surprised to see Ronin. "Oh. A visit from the acclaimed Ronin McIntyre. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

Ronin shook his head and stepped inside the office. "I think one of your students's about to commit murder." The murderous spike in the woman's aura bathed him in their close proximity when she bumped into him. With an absent apology, she was on her way. To find the victim in question?

Eli waved off Ronin's comment. "The poui trees are in bloom. Exam time is stressful."

Eli assumed his position behind his desk and sifted through the papers on his desk. Ronin pulled the button on his jacket and sat across from him.

"Still upset that I canceled our drinks last week?"

"And the week before that. And the week before that. Ah." Eli feigned a thoughtful expression. "Three months of next weeks, to be exact."

"I'm here now, aren't I? No need for the guilt trip. I've been busy, godfather. You know that."

"Doesn't stop me from sulking. You're always busy, Ronin. Neglecting an old man like this."

Ronin smiled. For all his decades, Eli appeared no older than forty. Their kind aged gracefully in a supernatural sense. "You're quite sturdy for a man of your...stature. I'm not worried."

Eli reclined in his chair, fingers laced on his stomach, elbows on the arm of his chair. His expression grew serious, and a crease formed between his brow. Their light banter was over. Eli sighed at whatever he saw and rose to his feet. Perched on the edge of the table closest to Ronin, he studied his godson.

"Matthias must be proud his oldest is living up to the family legacy with such single-minded fervor. And I hear your brother, Andreas, also holds his own."

Ronin tugged at his jacket, his mood darkening at the mention of his younger sibling. They shared as many similarities as a jackal and a wolf. "I'm sure you've heard he's the new head of the legal department."

"Is Sage Tower big enough for two McIntyres?"

Ronin shifted in his seat. The city wasn't big enough.

"He's your brother, Ronin. For better or worse. What is it between you two?"

"What is it between you and my father?"

As expected, whenever Ronin brought up the discord between his father and godfather, Eli declined to respond with a smile.

"A topic for another time." Eli paused. "Have you an answer to my question yet?"

There was another reason for Ronin missing their weekly drinks. A restlessness had been needling at Ronin for some time, and he failed at pinpointing the why. Eli, with his keen perception, noticed it as well. And he poked at it, whereas Ronin glossed over and ignored it. Ronin hadn't expected a simple question about what he wanted would have him run into the woods.

"Is this all you want, Ronin? To maintain the McIntyre name?"

Eli wouldn't let it rest without an answer. Ronin voiced the same line of reasoning he told himself. "It's what I've worked on for years. Sage Tower's success rate—"

"Yes, yes." Eli waved Ronin's exposition about his corporate success aside. "But is it all you want?"

Ronin's brow bunched. What did his godfather see when he looked at him? What was the man expecting him to say? He had everything he wanted. Everything he worked for. Besides his brother's untimely intrusion into his safe haven at Sage Tower, nothing was out of place. And his godfather's question about what he wanted...

"I have everything." It was a statement of fact, yet there was a hollowness to it when Ronin voiced it aloud. His confusion doubled.

Eli exhaled. "Ah, my boy. You work too hard and don't play nearly as much."

Was that it? Was he tired?

Eli returned to his seat. "Have you considered expanding your team?"


"Yes. Right now, it's four of you? Correct?" Ronin nodded, and Eli continued. "The last person you added five years ago was a communications liaison."

"Finding the right people takes time."

"You mean it's damn near impossible when you're not actually searching."


"There is someone. She's the Wayward Daughter, as you are the Prodigal Son. She's precocious, like a certain someone I know. Headstrong, well, stubborn."

Ronin frowned at his godfather's amendment.

"But she's ambitious, responsible, honest to a fault." Eli scratched his cheek. "Which doesn't always work in her favor."

Ronin's frown deepened. His godfather's recommendations had squiggly lines he wasn't fond of. Stubborn meant she might be obstinate and hard to control. And her being honest to a fault to her detriment was a double-edged sword. He appreciated frankness with the wisdom to know what to say and when. The woman sounded like trouble.

"She'd be good for you and the team."

Ronin's eyes narrowed. "This Wayward Daughter sounds like a disruption I don't require."

"Meet with her, at least. Consider it a recompense for having ditched your poor godfather for months."

And he was back to the guilt trip.

"I don't—" Ronin's phone rang, and he answered. "Right. I'll be right in." A pause. "No, Inola, I won't—" He scratched his brow as he listened to the woman's lunch request. "Fine."

Eli did his best to hide his smile, pinching his lips.

Ronin scowled. "Am I not stressed enough?"

The men said their parting salutations. Ronin promised they'd meet for drinks at the usual time and place the following week. His godfather called after him as he exited the office.

"Remember, Ronin, you also have a duty to yourself."


Our main characters have taken the stage. How will the Wayward Daughter and the Prodigal Son's first interaction play out?

To read the entire first season, along with Seasons 2 and 3, join me on Ream. The link's in my bio on the home page. Hope to see you there.

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