Upon arrival at their house, Emery suddenly felt a wave of exhaustion hit her. She felt so weak, so scared, and so nauseous. She couldn't move, she couldn't think straight, and she couldn't even barely talk.
She tried to tell Atlas, she tried to let him know what was happening with her body and the sickness, but the words just wouldn't come out.
As Emery continued to struggle, she found herself filled with the knowledge that this moment was one to hide. She found herself also filled with the knowledge that this moment was one to endure. She was strong, she was resilient, and she was living a life that was special. She was lucky, she was blessed, and this life was truly special.
So, without telling Atlas, and without anyone knowing, she went to the doctor. She felt so weak, so scared, and so nauseous as she sat in the waiting room. She tried to ignore the pain, she tried to ignore the fear, the discomfort, the nausea, and the fear that she was experiencing.
Even as she sat there in the waiting room, she felt a sense of pride. She was strong, she was resilient, and she was living a life that was special to her. She was lucky, she was blessed, and she was living the best life, a very special life.
As the time came for her to go into her appointment, she felt a wave of uncertainty come over her. What if the doctor can't help her? What if the doctor didn't know what was wrong? What if the doctor couldn't fix her?
But as she forced herself to get up and walk into the doctor's office. Emery knew that this could go two ways. The doctor would either tell her that it was just a flare up, and that nothing was wrong and she was fine, or the doctor would tell her that she only had a few months left to live.
As Emery sat in the doctor's office, waiting for him to come in. She didn't know what to think. Was she going to survive, was she gonna find a way to injure. She was strong, she knew this.
As a doctor walked in, she felt a wave of hope come over her. What if he didn't know it was wrong? What if he could help her? And what if he was the one who could fix her?
As the doctor sat down, he started to ask her questions, she found herself filled with the knowledge that this moment was one to hide. a moment to hide from Atlas, her mother, and her friends. She hoped she would be lucky, and that he would tell her that it was just a flare up, and there was nothing wrong. But deep down she also knew there was a chance that she wouldn't be as lucky.