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HE ALMOST DIDN'T COME. The last time he had turned down this alley was during the Triwizard Tournament, and well, that hadn't ended well. Now, between the visions, D.A., and the onslaught of survivor's guilt that hit him at the worst of times, Harry wasn't sure if he'd be good company. If Aurora would even still want to see him. He stood on the last step before he would descend fully into the alley that held SWEET CAKES AND HONEY BEES. He could turn around now and apologize later during a D.A. meeting, explaining that he had some things to take care of. Aurora would smile and reassure him it would be okay, and she'd never even push him for a real answer. It would be a selfish thing to do. It was also selfish for him to even be here, knowing how dire things were getting as the second war continued to brew.

If he truly cared, he turned around and tried to keep Aurora far away from all of this. Voldemort finding out his true affection for her would be a nightmare; he could almost see the Dark Lord torturing a weeping Aurora who insisted she knew nothing. He swallowed a lump in his throat as he blinked the image away. No, I'll make sure she's safe. Still, instead of turning around and leaving, his feet guide him to the bakery.

Inside, he could see the elusive Mr. Chen talking to Aurora. She threw back her head and laughed at something he said to her. He couldn't make out the words, but seeing her wipe tears from her eyes, told him it had been hilarious. Harry's gloved hand hovered over the door handle, both sides of him fighting over whether to stay or to flee. The decision was made for him when Aurora suddenly glanced over to the door and beamed at him.

He opened the door and the warm air enveloped him. The smell of hot chocolate and cupcakes filled his senses as the door shut behind him.

"Harry!" Aurora called as she practically ran out from behind the counter and hugged him. "I feel like it's been ages since we've talked."

Harry wrapped his arms around her. "I know, I'm sorry."

"Don't be," Aurora said, muffled by Harry's scarf. She pulled away, "I know how busy things have been." She gently tugged his scarf off of him and placed it on a nearby table. "Go sit, I'll bring your favorite hot chocolate out."

Harry nodded and sat down, watching as she disappeared into the back. He felt eyes on him and his gaze shifted to see Mr. Chen's demure smile. Harry opened his mouth to say something, but Mr. Chen simply nodded before disappearing into the backroom. Left alone in the bakery, he shrugged his coat off and left it on the back of the chair. He glanced outside the huge window and watched as some people flitted in and out of shops, bundled up tight in their winter clothes.

He was so engrossed in people watching he almost didn't notice Aurora placing a peppermint hot chocolate in front of him. Harry glanced down and saw the bits of peppermint floating on top were charmed to say: 'I BELIEVE IN YOU.' His heart warmed as he glanced over to Aurora, who smiled shyly down at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29 ⏰

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