Eyeliner and Sativa

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You've probably heard Ted Nivison's famous "400mg edible" story, which took place at a gathering hosted by SwaggerSouls had thrown a few years ago. However, you've probably never heard of a good ole Sleep Deprived party... because they've never happened. Apandah and Schlatt planned a get-together for the 100th episode of the podcast—I was an honorary guest, being I help Mika edit the podcast episodes 90% of the time. Schlatt is a pro at throwing parties—or in this case a small congregation—so he planned most of it.
His experience with Swagger's parties included lots of pot, however when visiting the dispensary and acquiring all the goods he so pleased, he bought what he would usually buy for 8-10 people who had a pretty high tolerance. What he failed to recognize was that Mika had not, nor have I, ever smoked pot. Or digested it, either.
When he came back from the dispensary with two medium sized bags full of products that would not look good in a teenagers bedroom, Apandah and Astrid were ecstatic! Mika and I? We shot each other shocked looks and then looked back to the bags. Schlatt strategically placed his merchandise along the large coffee table in the garage. We took seats in our respectable chairs around the table, and chitchatted for a bit before Schlatt decided it was time to crack open his surprisingly neatly organized herb.
"Okay boys," he started excitedly, "on this end we have more of an energetic and fun high." He pointed towards the left side of the table, the green leaves staring daggers through my soul. Neither Mika nor I had planned on telling the group we had never gotten high before. "On this side," he begun again, "we have the old reliable. Indica. Had a tough day? Struggle with insomnia? Great! I have the stuff for you," he said satirically, mimicking a salesmen. "Indica is the strand I like to call 'in-da-couch'. Basically, it really relaxes your mind and induces sleep. Any takers?" He drops his salesmen persona and waits for someone to choose which strand we pass around.
Apandah, not to anyone's surprise, is the first to speak up. "Smoking with the boys, and one woman? We need to be hype, bro," he excitedly rambles, going to pack a bowl full of sativa labeled herb.
Our rotation was as so: Apandah, Schlatt, Aztro, Me, Mika. Once Apandah finally got the lighter lit after fiddling with it like a child, he raised the mouthpiece of the bowl to his lips, followed by the flame of the lighter aimed at the beautiful green tint on the inside of the bowl. Green quickly turns to orange and brown as he inhales his successful attempt at lighting the plant. He takes a long drag from the device before letting go of the lighter button and lowering the pipe from his face. I take mental note of his actions as he breathes the smoke deep into his lungs and holds it. As he exhales, a series of coughs and swears exit his body as well. We all laugh at his struggle as he passes it to Schlatt. Schlatt effortlessly mimics Apandah's actions, but there's more technique to it—more skill, almost. Astrid's contagious giggles leave her mouth when it's finally her turn to smoke.
Unfortunately, to my dismay, it was my turn. Don't get me wrong, I wanted to do this. Hell, I was excited. I have a huge fear of embarrassment, however, and I didn't want my bestest friends to think I was stupid or boring because I've never smoked. Although I watched them each do it intently, I still had no clue what to do. I must've done something horribly wrong, because Astrid was quick to stop me. "No no no, you out the mouthpiece to your face before you light it so you don't risk the flame going out," she said as she rose from her chair to assist me. My face flushes red, but not for long. Before I know it, I'm being politely instructed to inhale the smoke deeply into my lungs and hold it. Strangely enough, I didn't cough as much as Apandah did. And I felt... fine? Normal, of course, until I didn't.
By the time Mika was taking his first hit, I could feel the effects of inebriation trickling through my body. I felt light and feathery, like I could just float away. Time seemed to pass faster, and before I knew it, I was taking my third and fourth hits. They neglected to warn me that, having never smoked before, my tolerance would be extremely low. They also failed to tell me that Schlatt had bought some really potent flower. Fuck.
I was no longer worried about being embarrassed or outcasted by my friends. I was more drawn to the fact that I could hear the speaker at the same time as everyone else talking. It was playing some radio station Schlatt had chosen on Spotify, and I didn't recognize the song; however, this didn't stop me from getting up and dancing to it.
I look around at the group and pull Mika up from his chair. We're all laughing at Mika and I dancing around like utter buffoons, but regardless it's a great time all around. Despite the height difference, I twirl Mika around and do a tango styled dip before helping him become upright again. I bow, Mika follows suit, and applause is our reward as we both take a seat on the cold garage floor.
At some point, maybe after I ate the small red gummy I was offered by Apandah, it became harder to focus on anyone trying to speak to me. I would nod my head as though I were listening, but the music and noises from outside on top of trying to understand spoken words was quite difficult. After a few minutes, I scoot down so my back is on the floor and my head in Mika's lap. I was the highest I've felt all night, and I needed a break from vocal interaction. I softly nudge Mika for his phone and open instagram reels.
I'm not sure how much time has passed before I hear a "Holy shit, Apandah!" Exit Mika's body. I sit up, shocked, after hearing a swear leave Mika's mouth. His wholesome persona had seemingly vanished as soon as the marijauna had hit his mouth. Of course, it wasn't unusual for him to swear in text, but he rarely cursed out loud. Part of me internally slaps myself for not paying attention to what made him have this reaction.
Mika's face turns red when he sees all eyes on him. It doesn't take long for his uneasy-ness to turn into uncontrollable laughter.
After a few hours, we all decide to stumble into Schlatts house and continue hanging out inside. "Fuck, dude," Astrid says, exploring Schlatt's kitchen for food, "how do you manage to only have half a bag of potato chips and whiskey?" Again, everyone laughs at her sentence although there's not a punchline. Mika and I find ourselves melting together on Schlatt's smaller couch, ready to make room for anyone else who wanted a seat.
I look up at Mika's eyes, which are red as red could be. He adjusts his face mask and looks down at me as well. He places his arm around my shoulder and I lean into him, somehow I managed to press against him more than I already was. I was still in my nonverbal state when Astrid suggests doing Apandahs eyeliner—("Fuck no, I'm not a fem boy!")— and I volunteer Mika.
"I'll do it if Mika does it," Apandah replies smugly, thinking this would save him.
"I mean, I don't see anything wrong with it. I think you have eyeliner, don't you," Mika says, addressing me towards the end.
How did this night go from learning how to light up to doing eyeliner on Mika?
"I do, actually," I reply, my voice hoarse from not being used for a few hours. Now, interaction came more natural since I had adjusted to the newfound feeling of euphoria.
"Great," Astrid joyfully states, "I'll do Apandah's, you do Mika's, and Schlatt's on photo duty. SDP Twitter content."
I get to work, standing up and opening the felt tip eyeliner pen. I try to lean over Mika to make access to his eyes easier, but I'm still not close enough.
"Hold still, Meeks," I say as I struggle to get myself into his lap (something sober me would've never even hinted at doing).
Mika looks down, to which I instinctively use my hand to firmly guide his face to line up with mine. We are a nose widths apart, him wide eyed with surprise and me laser focused on doing his eyeliner. Once I perfect both wings, I replace the cap on the pen.
"There, perfect. You're even prettier, Meeks!" I exclaim, flapping my hands excitedly. I move to get off of his lap, but he pulls me back down.
"You can get comfortable," he states. He says it in a quiet voice, one that tells me I can get up if I really want to but he wants me where I am. I allow him to adjust my body comfortably onto his. Now, his arms are firm around my body as he holds me like he'll never see me again.
After Schlatt snaps pictures of all of us for Twitter, Mika rubs my shoulder with his thumb in an affirmative manner.
"Хотелось бы, чтобы мы оставались такими навсегда," he slurs sleepily, "I wish we could stay like this forever."
Mika and I don't move from our spot as we watch everyone settle down and start to sleep. Before I can ask if he wants me to move, I hear peaceful snores escape Mika's mouth.

Eyeliner and Sativa (one shot, mikasacus x reader)Where stories live. Discover now