story idea 2: The Alchemist and it's former lover

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Author Kun: this is based on 478816: the crowned queen of adultery

A Morgan le Fay ntr doujin

"I wish I didn't fell in love with you..."

Iska had a neutral look when looking at Morgan and his happy photo

"I wish I didn't met you Lost belt Queen of fairies...."

In his desk was a large blade like wrench being connected by wires

"I should strive what alchemist wished to accomplish...turning led into gold...or to strive to attain or make the philosophers stone..."

There was countless Chemy cards in total of 101

"Shall we Ironize?, Mad Wheel?"


"Shall we begin the experiment?"

He took out the Blade like wrench from the wires


Meanwhile Morgan was crying endlessly

"I'm sorry I'm sorry...I want you back..." She gently caress the photo of you and her being happy...that day you both took a photo is also the day she had her adultery

"I'll take you back...."

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