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I came out from the bathroom in my bathrobe , I didn't found my sweetheart. I heard her voice murmuring from the balcony.

I went outside and saw she was speaking to someone in my phone . I don't like if someone touches my things without my permission I got angry but I instantly calm down when she turned towards me . She was in teary eyes and tried to hide my phone .

I moved forward towards her , I took my phone and saw it was his dad on call .
I grabbed her waist tightly. She jerked  aahhh ! She screamed a little . Her dad listened her screams and he spoke " beta are you fine ? Can you hear me ? Please answer me " .

I feel two people are speaking to me . I think there might be a signal problem or really two people are speaking to me .

Well I ignored it and spoke " she will be fine with me sasur ji don't worry " and I cut the call . My sweetheart is looking at me , I can see she is tensed .

I spoke looking into her eyes " you have every right on me , you are free to do anything but please don't disobey me ,
I have to make things right and You are gonna stay in this island for a week I will only come in the evening after my work sweetheart , I'm sorry but till then you can't talk to your parents ".

She didn't spoke anything and looked at me angrily....I continued...

" After a week I will give your phone  then you are free to call anyone anytime you like ".

She smirked and said " do you think I'm a bird that you can cage me and do what you want ,  Listen to me you are nothing to me and I accept the fact we are married but I can't accept you as my husband , I won't trust you and I won't love you ".

I know this won't be so easy , she can't accept me so easily as I did but I'll make her fall for me . I spoke to her " as you said you accepted our marriage it means you accepted me as your husband and I'll make sure you fall for me sweetheart " .

She smirked and said '' In your dreams Mr.Ruhaan Agarwal ''.

I just chuckled looking at her confidence , I held her hand and took her downstairs to the dining hall . I moved the chair and made her sit comfortably and I too sat with her . I told the maid to serve the breakfast.

While having our breakfast she didn't spoke anything. She is not afraid but looking nervous like she is hiding something from me .

I spoke " I trust you sweetheart if you have anything to say then please go ahead don't hide anything from me " .

She looked suprised and shocked. Now I'm confirmed she is hiding something from me . She spoke I..I.. I'm not hiding anything. Her words are stammering. Is she afraid. Well she is afraid of me .

The most important thing in relationship is trust . Yes it's trust so , I need to win her trust .I thought .I was about to ask her how to win her trust but she completed her breakfast, got up ignoring me and went away .

Gosh !! I want her attention, I can't just be ignored like that . I thought to plan a suprise tonight. I'm sure she will like it .

I got a call from my pilot and I need to go now I'm getting late . But I didn't like leaving my wife alone here in this island. Well I can watch her in my ipad coz there are cctv all around here .

I saw she was going outside the mansion, I followed her and I spoke " sweetheart please wait for me , I will do anything to win your trust " .

Finally she didn't ignored me this time and she spoke " well , If you really wanna win my trust then just do one thing ".

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