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( now take this chapter before i disappear again (joking) might come out with some character designs later )

also note this is going to have some sensitive topics, which i will most likely mark it as mature, i will put trigger warnings, if something is bothering you and you feel needs a warning, let me know and i will add it

      The sky was a hazy orange color, the sun barely visible. The streets were empty but felt overwhelming by the amounts of garbage and debris. The air was thick and dry. Walten covered his face with his goggles and scarf. Same for Biscuit. Embracing the little newborn, Walten watched the sun set. Walten got up and gently placed Biscuit into a harness that he kept wrapped around his shoulder. Walking over to the door that leads back inside the building, barely managing to open it due to a gush of wind throwing it back closed. Walten swung it open and quickly got inside. Taking off his goggles he rubbed his eyes, trying to get the remaining dust out. He sighed and walked down stairs and into his apartment. Locking the door behind him, he placed Biscuit down on what remained of his couch so he could barricade the door with his bookshelves. He placed his rifle on the kitchen counter, next to every other weapon imaginable. Biscuit watched as Walten locked every window and closed the blinds. Dimming the lights so they aren't noticeable outside of the apartment. Walten got a bath started for Biscuit, due to him being covered in dust. He glanced outside in the meantime. Noticing groups of newborns starting to come out of the shadows. Trashing up the place, some going into stores and tearing them up. Walten thankfully barricaded the door to the building up so none of them could possibly get in. Walten glanced over to the end of the street and noticed a tall figure standing under a streetlight with a cloak. Walten paid no mind to it, thinking it was probably the extremely fucked up newborns who've started coming into town. He closed the curtain, "Biscuit." he called, with a loud thud, Biscuit came rushing toward the bathroom and jumped into the bath. Walten caught him before he eventually hurt himself, putting him down carefully. Biscuit already began dunking his head in the water, splashing it everywhere. Walten giggled softly as he played around. Walten used soap to clean him up, trying to be careful because of his sensitive skin, he's seen what has happened to them before and he would rather if it doesn't happen to Biscuit. Walten rinsed him off once he was done and drained the water. They were lucky the water was even working and there was no longer a stable enough government to take stuff away due to him no longer having money. Swiftly grabbing onto a towel, he picked him up and dried him off. Biscuit was already chewing on the towel aggressively, Walten placed him on his bed and covered him up, trying to get the towel out of his mouth. Biscuit had already got himself comfortable, letting the towel go as he fell asleep. Walten kissed his forehead letting him sleep. He got up and walked over to his work desk, which originally was his boyfriend's, but he occupied it to work on some more weapons, and his latest project. Biscuit had no arms, for some unknown reason, including most of the other newborns outside. So he studied the books his boyfriend left and started working on mechanical arms for the little guy. He worked on one before, due to an incident not too long ago, so he had some experience, so he went straight to work.

      The sounds of gears turning, grinding, and whirring echoed through the hallways of this pit of hell. People chatting very quietly to not draw attention to themselves, afraid of getting killed off. Ron was working a long shift, forced to work about 18 hours a day, barely having enough time for basic hygiene because they would kill people off for just being a second late. Ron was one of the unlucky few other thousand people forced to work like this, not being able to see what it looks like outside. But he's also lucky enough to still be alive. Countless people have died over the past few years and their shitty "boss" hasn't done anything about it, they haven't even come down by the factory to see if any of their employees are still alive. It pissed him off the most. His best friend Toby talked to him about whatever was on his mind, while Ron stayed silent, focused on his work. Ron hated his life, he felt gross, he barely kept himself together at work but he managed. People struggled more than him though, he notices as he looks around everyday. He's about had it with this place. Toby snapped his fingers in Ron's face, "Hey! Are you listening to me??" he growled, Ron squeaked and looked at him. "I was talking about how the world might end and such." he said, Ron sighed not willing to listen to him say this for the 10th time this week. Before Toby finished, a loud scream was heard in the distance. Ron looked at Toby who was already heading towards the noise, he freaked out and chased after him. He runs to the corner of the hallway and sees a body stuck in the machine that runs everything in their division, with the addition of a woman crying near the body. Ron's ears lowered once he saw the blood and guts spilling everywhere. Obviously this stops production and everyone comes to check out the situation. Everyone stood clueless, not sure what to do now that everything has stopped. The situation has gotten so much attention that it got to the boss. Making a big entrance, he swung open the door, showing off his gold jewelry and long jacket, looking like he was definitely making a profit. Which pissed Ron right the fuck off. The boss walked over, with a blunt between his fingers with gold rings. "The fuck you bitching about?" he growled at the woman crying on her knees. The woman looked at him "Sir, that's my husband! He just—" he shushed her by talking over her "Honey, I don't care about you or your love life, just get to fucking work so we can all be done here. I'll figure it out." he scoffed. She shakily nodded and scurried away, a few people followed. Ron stayed, giving him a death glare. But obviously, he did nothing about the body, he watched as the boss told someone to clean it up as he walked away. Before he could reach the door, Ron snapped "HEY!". He stopped, his back facing him, "Get back to work." he snarled in annoyance. "No! You need to do your fucking job," Ron shouted as he stormed over to him, "you can't just walk away as your employees suffer!" he added. The boss snickered, gesturing him to get away, before he knew it, Ron grabbed him by the neckless and yanked him away from the door, forcing him to look him in the face. "You listen to me asshole..." he growled, causing his boss's face to turn 50 shades of red with his eyes wide, looking like he'd seen a ghost. "You need to get your shit together." he hissed, "We're dying down here while you're somewhere getting everything handed to you no problem.". He stood there staring at him in silence. Ron sighed and let him go, "If you come back here, there's nothing stopping me from being your ass." he scolded before walking away. His boss just stood there, covering his mouth in shock, his face red.

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