Day one: first day in the room

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Ava/Me POV:

"Luke! What the fuck!" I yell at Luke, Luke decided it would be fun to mess with their quirk which hasn't been fully tested or studied, and now we are locked in a room and can't get out.

"Ava, calm down. Remember, she's only 13, and she can't fully control her quirk." Katherine said as she looked around the room.

"Good news and bad news, good news is there plenty of food and water for us to survive for a week, and bad news is we still have no idea how to get out of here" Miyu said and sat on the ground.

I see Moth- I mean Rose sit on the ground reading one of the books that are in the room, I sigh, "Sorry Luke, I shouldn't have yelled at you, do you think you could get us out of here?" I ask Luke.

"Maybe, I don't want to accidentally kill you guys, though..." Luke says hesitantly, "You won't kill us," Rose says calmly and flips the page of her book she's reading.

"It couldn't hurt to try, right?" Katherine says, "Yeah..." I say hesitantly, Luke looks at us and then nods and tries to use his quirk to get us out. It doesn't work. Instead, it brings more people here, one who is half naked.

Me, Katherine, and Miyu look away very quickly, I see a thing of clothes and grabbed a shirt that looks like it would fit the guy and throws it at him, "Put that on!" I say as I cover my eyes, luckily the guy had pants on so I didn't have to worry about that, the guy had blonde hair and red eyes that looked like they were piercing into me.

I see Luke just staring at the guy, "Boy, look the fuck away!" I yell, and try to cover Luke's eyes. Luke pushes me away, the blonde and red eyed guy had put the shirt on.

"Thank the heavens," I say and sigh, I hear Katherine and Rose sigh as well, "Well, now that that's over, can one of you explain why we are here and how we got here" a man with long black hair that was put in a bun, wait I recognize this person, oh shit that's Eraserhead also know as Aizawa

"Ah shit, umm," I say, trying to figure out how to explain it, "Luke was 'training' his quirk and lost control of it, and that brought us here, and then when he tried to get us out it brought you guys here, we have no idea how to get out at the moment" Moth- I mean Rose says calmly and flips to the next page of her book.

"Wait, Rose? What are you doing here?" Aizawa asks, and Roses head jerks up, Rose blinks. " Oh, great! " She says as she sets down the book and walks over to Aizawa. Rose then hugs him and passes out.

"Oh god, isn't that like the third time she's passed out?" Luke says, "5th time actually." Miyu says, "Exsuse me, what!" Aizawa says as he holds Rose.

"Why has she been passing out so much!" Aizawa asks, "she pulled two all-nighter-," I say, "three actually," Miyu says, as she and Katherine look through books.

Aizawa sighs and sits down and holds Rose. He looks at his class to see them staring. " What ?" He asks them. " Uhhh. Who is she, Aizawa sensei ?" Izuku asks.

"She is my wife," aizawa says, and immediately, his whole class starts to ask questions, Aizawa sighs, Rose wakes up and looks at Aizawas class, "shut the fuck up, I'm trying to sleep," Rose yells, then looks at Aizawa.

"And you shut up and take nap with me, or you'll be sleeping on the couch tonight," Rose says to aizawa, "and I'll lock up all the cats," she adds and lays he head on aizawas chest.

Aizawa sighs but listens, knowing all too well that she will do it, they both fall asleep"well at least she's sleeping now," Miyu says, "yeah, she definitely needs it," I say.

"Who are you all, and how do you know Aizawa sensei and his wife?" Shinso says, "Oh, me, Luke, and Ava are Roses adopted kids. Umm, we've never met Aizawa, though." Miyu says, and he cleans one of his knives as he sits on the ground.

"Yeah, we knew that they were married, though," I say, "and Katherine is our childhood friend," Luke's says and then continues to stare at Bakugo.

"Boy, stop staring at the poor guy like you're about to pounce." I say, " No. " Luke says and continues to stare at Bakugo. Bakugo notices and smirks, causing Luke to turn red and have a nosebleed.

Rose sighs and gets up. She walks over to Luke and makes him sit down. "Quit looking before you pass out." Rose then takes out a hanker cheif and wipes off the blood, then turns to Bakugo, "You hurt him, and I'll kill you. Got it ?" I tell Bakugo.

class 1-A look at Rose with wide eyes, "Exsuse, but did Aizawa senseis wife just threaten to kill Bakugo," Sero says, "No, it bakuhoe," I say.

"WHAT! You want to fight extra!" Bakugo yells and glares at me, "Honey, Baby, Love. If you do not control your class, I will. And you know how I get. " Rose smiles sweetly at her husband.

Aizawa gets up quickly and makes his class be quiet. After that Rose walks back over to Aizawa and pulled him down. Rose falls asleep once they are laying down.

----------------     3 hours later   ----------------

Rose wakes up to see Luke flirting with Bakugo, Miyu practicing with his throwing knifes, Ava reading books in a corner with Iida, and Kathrine playing with her quirk.

Rose gets up and walks over to Luke, " Hey Dear, do you think you could try your quirk one more time ?" Rose asks. " Finee. Only if I can continue to flirt with my hot boom boom boy!", Rose sighs, " Fine, but no touchy touchy shit. Got it ?". Luke rolls his eyes, " Yeah, yeah. I got it."

Luke then tries to use his quirk again, only to end up bringing the LOV into the room as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29 ⏰

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my Mha oc and my friends Mha ocs get locked in a room with aizawa, and class 1-AWhere stories live. Discover now