Chapter 1: The beloved

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It was many and many a year ago...In a kingdom by the sea. The maiden there live whom you may know By the name Annabel lee...

Professor:And class dismissed, by our next meeting, I need full report of the chosen poem everyone searched got it?

The classroom was then filled with a series of low 'yes ma'am's and a few hums Satisfied your Literature teacher packs up her things and went out of the classroom. Once she was out. The students went out on a series of chitter and chatter, others stood up, dragging their chairs as they prepared to head out for lunch break. A slight yawn escapes your lips, your eyes gazed outside through the classroom's windows. The sky is starting to dim. The sun's rays blocked by the dark clouds lomming You cursed under your breath.

You:It's going to rain...just my luck... I didn't bother to bring an umbrella too...

You sighed in irritation as you stood up from your seat.. Suddenly a tap on your shoulder Your line of thoughts. You're turned your head towards Seeking your attention... Your eyes met with Cobalt blue ones, They stare straight into your own orbs, a brow raised as if in a slight irritation, she is Cleary impatient....impatient for what?

???:Did you hear me? Do you want to come with us for lunch? I mean..I know you don't really eat lunch and spend most of your time somewhere else but...I mean look at you!

Your eyes twitched from her words. You have no idea if that was out of Concern to your well being or If she's trying to bring you down. Either way it's stung you... You wrapped your arms around yourself. Your insecurity raising up to your throat trying To suffocate you..


Just then a new Is familiar voice broke Your inner turmoil...oh...that's right..

???: That's really insensitive of you! Imagine if someone's else Told you about how you look.

Crow Ichabod the class representative and one of your close friends, heck Probably wanted your friends that you really admire. And maybe have a tiny crush on him... Brittney only huffed and looked away from Crowe's spiteful gaze He turned his attention to you Crowe gives you a small smile while handing out something to you... you looked down to see it... It was your ID.

Crowe:You dropped this by the way.

You grabbed your ID and looked down to see. Your name Y/N L/N...The ID shows your name. Y/N L/N. Along with your Pronounces(Your choice)... You looked at the ID one more time and Double check if it's Correct...

Name:Y/N L/N, Pronouns:(Your choice)... You  took your ID back from Crowe and gave him a small "Thank you"

He gives you a closed smile. Muttering "No problem" as he went back to Brittany's side where the rest of the Friends are.

Brittany:So Are you coming with us or not?

Brittany said clearly getting Impatient by the second.her hand on her hips while waiting for your response... you then decided to go with them at lunch

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04 ⏰

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