-Chapter 3-

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-Chapter 3-


A/N: well, I got writers block already because the boat was boring... dw though im fine



The audacity he had... I tried hard to avoid any eye contact, his gaze was just piercing me, staring at me, and if I had to guess, he had a smug look on his ugly face. Even with those glasses on he must be blind if he cannot see I really don't want to engage into a chat. "Y/N" I ignored him. "Y/N?" ... "Y/N L/N" I hesitantly turned my head. "What do you want!?" I growled at him, he simply smiled. "If you wish you can sleep... we will be there by nightfall, estimated time in maybe two to four hours" Pantalone informed me, placing his files away into his bag. "You interrupted my gazing at the sky for this!?" I exclaimed irritated, the last thing I would want to do on this long dreadful ride would be chat with him.

"I'll be quiet then, my dearest Y/N" "Stop calling me dear, dearest or whatever stupid pet name you may have!" Pantalone simply chuckled and went quiet, going back to whatever he was doing as I leaned back on the back on the plush seats. Sumeru desert was in the distance as I prepared for eternal pain from all the heat. I felt my head however go hazy as I leaned on the carriage wall with a yawn. I could feel myself about to drift off to sleep... I blinked repeatedly trying to stay awake until I let out and fell to sleep.

Pantalone POV:

I saw my dearest Y/N in a slumber, perhaps she was far more exhausted than she originally let on, I placed my paperwork back into a leather case glancing out the window as we entered Sumeru desert, the sand was dry, but that would be what's expected of a desert. "Ah, I wonder if Childe is back in Snezhnaya yet... I need his explanation about his spending of Mora" I pondered out aloud to nobody but myself with a smile. The ride was smooth as the sand brushed against the carriages wheels with the trot of the horses being muffled by the hot sand.

The sun was setting at a rapid pace making me lean back against the seat just watching Y/N sleep. It became quiet as the city of Fontaine came in reach, its vast and tall buildings could easily be seen from a far length away. Once we came to a stop I stood and gently wrapped my hands underneath Y/N, my hands snaked around her waist while the other wrapped under her legs as I picked her up. "We have arrived lord Pantalone" A fatui agent said opening the carriage door as I stepped out carrying Y/N bridal style.

My boots clacked against the marble flooring of Fontaine, going towards one of their boats I had personally bought to return to snezhnaya. Carrying miss Y/N in my arms, she seemed to be a light sleeper, her slightly moving when I picked her up. The birds chirped as fatui followed behind us, stepping onto the boat as I laid her down on the floor with a pillow and blanket. I hummed contently as more Fatui got on the boat and sat, sailing us off to the cold area's of snezhnaya. All the while I heard the radio's blaring off about the hydro archon Furina, their supposed national icon, I wont judge but that's an ironic title for their archon considering how noisy she is in court and court hearings too, so said by childe. The orange head Oranga. Annoying and childish.

The boat swayed with each wave as I watched Y/N sleep. Her chest rising and falling with each impending breath she took. I leaned back against my chair and turned my head. "How long shall this ride be?" "4 hours lord harbinger!" One of the electro fatui cicin mages bowed to me swinging her purple lantern as she stood straight. I sighed and moved to the secondary bed and opened a book commanding, "Do not let anyone in. Am I clear?" The cicin mage nodded and left guarding the door from the outside as I glanced at Y/N. "this ride shall be boring..."

-Insert timeskip... Hehehaha!!!-

Y/N's Pov: I stretched my arms and yawned sitting up instantly as I rubbed my eye and glanced around, we were on a boat and the emo was sitting on a second bed reading a book. I swung my legs off the bed and stood before holding the side of the boat groaning. "Ah- stood up too fast!!!!!!!!" I muttered as my vision was blurry for a bit. Then I heard the emo Baizhu chuckle. "Then don't stand up so fast, like your eager to see me-""Talk to the hand because I'm not doing it" I retaliated in time and lazily sat putting the blanket over my legs as he sighed. Suddenly I went forwards and barely stabled myself as the boat came to a stop. "We are here. Your lazy self-slept the whole way to Snezhnaya" He remarked standing and waiting for me to leave the boat with him. "Well. At least you didn't attempt to change me" "But I did have the though" he smiled standing watching me. It felt unnerving, his smile, as if underneath his calm composure something more sinister was hiding behind this... façade... of his.

I watched him walk off the boat, I followed in suite as the cold instantly hit me. The cold gush of air made me shiver as my shoes completely submerged into the deep thickened snow. I looked around, we seemed to be at a dock and people were shovelling snow. That clearly didn't seem like any help. "Will you be daydreaming all day, or can we go?" Pantalone spoke up as he stood under an umbrella blocking snow from covering him. "A bit excessive much isn't it?" I questioned. I didn't see why he even needed an umbrella. He just laughed it off and walked, expecting me to follow. I sighed, the only reason I did follow was due to the fatui guards behind me pushing me forwards, this was more like a prison, not a job opportunity if I was being completely honest. The snow thickened as we continued down the trailed pathway.


The city engulfed in snow yet the people wore coats and didn't seem so bothered by all this snow. In the heart of winter, the city was completely engulfed in a blanket of pristine white snow. It was as if a giant artist had liberally sprinkled powdered sugar over an intricate model town. The buildings, streets, and trees were all covered, their usual colors replaced by the dazzling brightness of the snow. Despite the snow's overwhelming presence, the city's inhabitants seemed unfazed. They were bundled up in their warmest coats, their breath visible in the frosty air. Their faces were calm and composed, showing no signs of discomfort or annoyance at the snow that continued to fall gently from the sky. As for Y/N. She was making her way down a trail that led to the city, her boots crunching in the fresh snow. She put on a coat Pantalone stopped by a store at putting it on her, the coat was buttoned up to her chin, and her eyes sparkled with the reflection of the snowflakes. There was a certain grace in her movements, a quiet strength that made her stand out even in the bustling city crowd.

With Pantalone accompanying Y/N, he walked beside her, matching her pace with an easy stride. His coat being the large warm fatui one, the outside was dusted with snow, and he seemed just as comfortable in the wintry weather. His eyes were focused on the path ahead, but every now and then, he would glance at Y/N, a hint of satisfaction in his gaze, pleased to know she was following even as she seemed annoyed at his stare. As they walked into the heart of the city Pantalone turned his head to someone with a smile. "Ah, Dottore, its good to see you again"


A/N: The end of chapter 3, sorry it took so long I took a Hiatus. In future ill let you know when I'm continuing, and maybe set deadlines for myself to make me not be lazy lol. This chapter is only just over 1,400 words long and not 2,000 this time sorry. Ill do better in future I promise. Not proofread btw.

Word count: 1434


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