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You wanna kill yourself?

Imagine this, you come home and once again had a horrible day. You take out your suicidal note that you've rewrote a bunch of times. You take out your raiser blades and cut yourself one last time. You also took out a boddle of pills you saved for this day. And take them all at once, lay on your bed and just wait till its all over. All the pain, guilt, problems.

Sure your gonna be free from pain. But you missed out on all the love and caring you will one day get.

Your younger sibling comes into your room to tell you that dinners ready, but he thinks your asleep.

He goes to your mom and tells her that your sleeping. She goes into your room to wake you up. But wait, something's wrong! Your chest isn't moving! She starts too shake you and wake you up! Then she notices the note you left on the side of your bed.

She reads it, and a flow of tears come down her eyes, as she's pressing the note against her chest.

Your younger sibling goes to your dad and says "DADDY! Mommy's crying!"

Your dad runs into the room and sees what's going on. He starts to yell, scream, and shout! "NOOOOO!!!!!!".

He violently shakes you to just wake up. To just take a breath. To just open your eyes. He hugs your mother and they are rocking back and forth on the side of your bed. Crying.

The next day at school, there's an announcement about your death. Everyone blames them selves, your teachers think they were too hard on you. The popular girls think they were too rude to you. The boy that you liked thinks he couldn't grow a pair and tell you how beautiful and perfect you are.

Well your friends? There crying like there's no tomorrow. They didn't know what was going on, and they wished you would talk to them about this. They didn't even think that anything was wrong, I guess your a good actress.

Your best friend knew what was going on. But she didn't know it would get this bad. She can't even cry. She wants too but no tears are coming down her while pale skin. She gets up. Walks out if the classroom and just lays there crouched up on the floor. Wishing this was just a dream.

The rainy day of your funeral,the whole town comes. They want to see the girl with the beautiful smile. The funny laugh. And the caring girl that always hands out her shoulder to cry on. And your best friend, completly looses it! She cried from her red blood shoot eyes! She your sibling doesn't know you killed yourself, he thinks you just died.

****1 year later*****

Your sibling finally found out the truth. And crys all night. He/she looked up to you. You were like there roll model!

Your best friend? She trys to do the same thing you did, but doesn't succeed like you did.

Half the whole school goes to counciling 1-2 a week.

Your teachers felt too guilty for there rude aditude that they couldn't even teach anymore.

Those mean popular girls? They now have eating disorders. And they gave up there popularity just so they don't hurt anyone else.

Your parents? There marriage was completely torn apart. Your dads a workaholic. And your mom just lays there in her room for hours.. Depress

Your actions don't just affect YOU! They affect other people too! It will take away YOUR pain, but add some for others... Please think before you ruin that beautiful life you have built up.

Kik me if anytime goes wrong. Im a good lister & im known to understand peoples problems kik: juliefishh

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