8 - Another Visitor

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We got out of the palace and walked on. Now we were pretty far from it. You can still see it in the distance. We kept on walking casually but I couldn't stop thinking about Lloyd. I know that he's not over her although we're still on the same side. Yes, Nya did tell me. As I looked behind us again, a huge freezing gust of wind went through us as if it weren't cold enough already. I looked north again and a huge cloud hovered over us. We backed up a little and Emily and Ryan drew their weapons, while the rest of us prepared our fighting stance. A huge snow monster emerged from the snow.

"I've never encountered THAT before!" Emily shouted.

"We have to find its weak spot!" Ryan said, as he dodged the monsters arm which was swinging about everywhere.

Every arrow Emily shot went straight through. Every attack with our powers went straight through. We tried to hit every body part, waiting for a reaction. I've had enough and thought it was a good idea to punch it in the stomach. My hand went straight through...

...and got stuck.

And because of that, I was screaming as it swung me around. Emily almost shot me in the head.

"WATCH IT, EMILY!" I yelled.

"I'm sorry that that bloody thing keeps swinging you around!"

"I thought you never miss!"

"I said that I only miss if the target is good at dodging. I also miss if the target is moving vigorously like this, OR blocks-slash-catches the arrows."

"Try aiming for the head!" Nya suggested. They tried but that thing kept blocking the head. I caught a glimpse of a shadow. It was of a person. They ran towards the monster, jumped up and dragged the dagger down from the head down, causing it to crumble. My arm was finally free and I collapsed face first onto the fluffy snow. 

The person spun the blade around between their fingers, "Ha! Just gotta hit it in the weak spot-" They turned to us as they said that and froze. It was a girl wearing a mask. White hair, medium length along with a fringe. That could only be one person. Before we could say anything, she took off the mask and threw it at Lloyd.

"YOU OPENED THE SCROLL, DIDN'T YOU?" she yelled as she started pushing Lloyd back, finally making him lose balance and fall. Nya tried breaking them apart but got pushed back. The girl waved her arms about and ended up scratching Lloyd in the face with the very tip of the blade.

"You're the only idiot in this entire world who would do such a dumb thing!" Harumi shouted. "Now we have no way back!"

Lloyd was too stunned to speak.

"Well, it's not his fault that you're a bitch who definitely has something to do with-" Nya started. She was interrupted by Harumi, who pointed the dagger at her.

"Say anything else and I'll-" Nya knocked the dagger out of Harumi's hands, grabbed her top and lifted her.

"Listen, shithead. If you're messed up in some evil shit that you're probably plotting, I swear to the first spinjitzu master, I'll kick your ass so hard that you'll end up in the fucking departed realm again. Am. I. Clear?" Nya warned.

"Or what? You're gonna bitch-slap me?" Harumi smirked.

Nya grabbed her top tighter and pulled her closer. "I said, am I clear?"

"Nya, it's not worth it," I said.

"As clear as day. It's not like I am plotting anything anyway. Besides, I'm on your side, remember?"

Nya dropped her. "Really? Then why are you smirking all the damn time?"


Nya took the rope from Emily and went up to Harumi. "Give me your hands."

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