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Jimin and yoongi get up early jimin was still in pain but he did not show to anyone both of them go downstairs to have breakfast mr and mrs min come early morning to mansion they were having brakfast when yoongi get up his mom ask

Yoongi where are you going mrs min say

Mom i have to go office so im going to change my clothes yoongi say

What last night you get married son spend time with jimin mrs min say

Mom plz i have a lot of work pending in office we have full life to spend jimin take out my clothes till i will take shower yoongi say and go to room mrs min look at jimin with her sad eyes while jimin just smile and go after yoongi

Jimin come in room he was feeling sad that yoongi is really not caring about him last night in morning he himself go to washroom and fresh up and now also but he shrugg it off while looking at closet he was confuse but take out 1 suit for yoongi with matching tie and shoes and put them on bed yoongi come out just towel wrap around his waist

Hmm not bad your learning things easily from now on you have to do the same thing every day ok yoongi say wearing his pant jimin just say yes

Make me wear this also yoongi say giving shirt to jimin who make him wear yoongi hold him from waist while jimin was butting his shirt

How did you cover your neck yoongi ask

Huh jimin ask him being confuse

Those hickies look good on you i feel happy that this beauty belongs to me only mine yoongi say and kiss on jimin lips which was swollen already after kiss he go to his office jimin also go downstairs toward jin

Hyng can i hold hobi jimin say and start to play with hobi

Jimin are you ok na mrs min say jimin nod at her

Jimin plz forgive yoongi he is like this a exact copy of his dad plz don't mind him mrs min say

No mom don't say sorry and im not upset with him i get some time to spend with you guys jimin say and they all start to talk with each other they have lunch together and jimin also talk with his mommy for 1 hour he was upset but did not let her know about anything which can make her unhappy

Now its night yoongi still did not come so jimin is with jin talking with in kitchen when he see yoongi come from office he was about to toward him when jin call him from behind

Jimin take glass of water for him with you for him jin say and give him glass of water jimin come toward yoongi but he see yoongi was not in good mood so he call him slowly without looking at jimin he take and drink water and go to his room jimin go behind him also

Yoongi was talking talking on phone to someone so jimin just sit on bed and wait for him to finish his call when he was done

Yoongi how was your day jimin ask in low voice

Good yoongi say giving his coat to jimin who place that on bed properly when suddenly yoongi hug him from back squeezing his waist tightly kissing aggressively on jimin neck who his in pain

Y-yoongi dinner is ready lets go jimin say cuz he don't want to do it now he is already sore

Yoongi grab jimin hair from back tightly pulling them and say

NEVER. EVER resist me did you get that DID YOU yoongi say loudly making jimin flinch while his head was hurting cuz yoongi was grabbing them really tight
P-plz le- me i-its hur-rt i will d-do how you will sa-ay ahh plz jimin say crying first time in his life someone has behave with him like this

Yoongi did not say anything an push him on bed taking their clothes off and start to do with him roughly without any oil he was just thrusting releasing his stress on jimin who was already in pain yoongi cum inside jimin when both of them were done yoongi lay beside him

That was good yoongi say but jimin did not say anything making yoongi look at him with cold face who was wearing his shirt tear were rolling down on his check was about to get down from bed

Where are you going yoongi say

I-im going to was-shroom d-dinner will be s-serve in s-som-metimes so that's why jimin say controlling himself from crying infront of him

Hmm go yoongi say and wear his clothes while jimin go to washroom while limping

Mommy i ca-an't liv-ve like t-this im m-missin-ng you i-its hurt s-so much m-mommy i-i wan-nt yo-ou mommy h-he don-nt even c-care ab-bout m-me jimin say slowly while crying in washroom after crying hard he come outside after bathing and go downstairs with yoongi

Mommy i ca-an't liv-ve like t-this im m-missin-ng you i-its hurt s-so much m-mommy i-i wan-nt yo-ou mommy h-he don-nt even c-care ab-bout m-me jimin say slowly while crying in washroom after crying hard he come outside after bathing and go downsta...

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Days turn into weeks its been 2 week nothing get change between yoongi and jimin after coming from office yoongi always have sex with jimin roughly sometimes in morning also

Now jimin is sitting with his mother in law talking with her

Jimin my son its been 2 week why don't you go to your mom house im sure she will be missing you mrs min say

Umm mom i also want to meet with her im missing her so much that i can't explain jimin say

Than you go with driver go and get ready i will tell him to drop you or you want i can myself will drop you mrs min say

N-no no mom i-i leave it im ok jimin say he remember his husband behaviour and his rules so don't want make things more bad

Why son is something is wrong mrs min say

No mom nothing is wrong is just i will go some other day with yoongi its just yoongi say not to go without his permission and i ask him last night he say no so i-its ok mom jimin say

Mrs min did not say anything and start to think something deeply

At night when yoongi come they all had their dinner and yoongi as about to go his room when mrs min call him in her room yoongi is sitting in her room

Why are you putting so much restrictions on that poor child why are you not letting him to meet his mom huh let him do whatever he want mrs min say making yoongi angry

Did he say something yoongi ask getting angry that jimin is complaining about him to his parents when he strictly say him not to say anything

If he did or not im asking you something why did you do that tomorrow you will go and drop him to his mom house and if he want to stay for some days or for night leave him then ok mrs min say

yoongi nod and start to go to his room while boiling in anger

Today i will show him how beautiful wife obey their husband

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