Chapter Nine

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It's been almost a week, and we still haven't heard from Gabe or Toby on what we should do next. The one time they were in contact with Daniel all they said was, 

"Hang tight and don't let her leave the motel."

Nobody will tell me anything and to say that I'm getting frustrated would be a massive understatement.

We have spent our days ordering take out and watching cable. Not only has it been the most boring time of my entire life; but simultaneously the most stressful. I have started having nightmares about the Blue Snakes and them finding me and I can hardly sleep. When I'm awake, I'm consumed with thoughts of Jackson and where he is. I have a horrible feeling in my gut that something terrible has happened to him, but nobody seems to be doing much about it; although Daniel assures me that they are.

I have started to notice Daniel receiving messages that he doesn't tell me about; at first, I thought it was unrelated and could be a girlfriend or something; but his behavior has changed towards me, and I need to find out what he is hiding.

I started watching everything he does for clues, and I think I finally know his phone passcode. The only issue with looking in his phone is he always has it in his pocket. The only time I have seen Daniel without his phone is when he is asleep. I plan on looking in his phone tonight to see if they know anything else about Jackson or what is going on.

Apart from my plans to sneak into Daniels phone, I think I might actually be going crazy in here. I have been doing everything I can to stay busy and relieve some of this boredom; but I'm running out of ideas.

Daniel ran to the gas station next door and got me some things I needed on the first night here and I am thankful for that at very least. I have clipped my nails and painted them, done my eyebrows, showered every single day making sure to shave, exfoliate and anything that you can possibly come up with to try and stay busy. I wish I could just go for a walk; but Daniel watches like a hawk making sure I never even get close to the front door.

As the day droned by, I found myself, once again, having nothing to do but think and get lost in my ideas. I have decided that if I find out where Jackson is, I will go. I don't care if I have to sneak out in the middle of the night with nothing; I will go; because nobody else is doing anything and I can't stand it!

Eventually, it started to get dark, and Daniel began his nightly routine. He ordered us food and sat with me, trying to make small talk; I entertained it tonight. I wasn't feeling hungry, but I ate not knowing if I was going to be leaving tonight. After we ate Daniel showered and got in bed. I did my nightly routine and got into bed, pretending to drift to sleep.

When I could hear him snoring, I decided to wait another twenty minutes. When I felt he was in a deep enough sleep; I decided to make my move. I snuck over to his side of the bedroom and picked up his cellphone sitting plugged in on the nightstand. I popped in the code I had watched him use and it opened. Suddenly, I felt overwhelmed and wasn't sure what to check first. I decided messages would be a safe bet. I went to his messages with Jackson first to see that he was not lying, Jackson hasn't answered any of his messages in days. Next, I checked his messages with Toby.

Toby had sent him a mess of gibberish; I clicked a link below and it led me to a different website where it could be decoded, but it required a password. I tried to think about abut my chats with Daniel for clues on what this password could be. I remembered him saying his birthday was July 6th, so first I tried that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29 ⏰

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