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    Julia awoke to a startling alarm her mom made her set, falling off her bed and causing a bang on the floor. She lifted her head lazily as she smacked her phone to make it shut up. Gosh, does anyone shut up these days? She got up on her legs. It was currently five in the morning. Because public school.. started at SEVEN IN THE MORNING. She was not ready for this. Julia trembled as she got dressed, brushed her hair, and did her makeup. She left her hair at its gorgeous free length today, and she walked down the stairs for breakfast. "MOOOM. THERES NO FOOD DOWN HERE." She yelled. Her mother had to make her breakfast, not because Julia didn't know how to, but because she simply didn't want to. Her sister walked out of her own room a few moments later and walked down the stairs. "Morning, Jules! I'll make breakfast." Megan smiled. Megan was super excited to go to Junior year in a public school, and Julia was not. Megan was her twin sister. "Alright." Julia yawned as she sat at the table, pulling out her phone. About ten minutes later Megan arrived with a fruit bowl. "Here," Megan said as she went to the bathroom to do her hair. Megan normally worse a side braid, since she had alot of hair just like Julia it got in the way so she normally tied it into a quick side braid. It wasn't strawberry blond, it was actually brown. And her eyes werent an oddly rare shade of blue brown stuff. Julia watched as Megan brushed her hair. Julia snickered to herself as the brush caught a lump of knots. Megan was incredibly stupid for someone her age, she had extra classes. Julia simply chewed her fruits. She had tried desperately to convince her mom to drive them to school, but their mother argued it was too far and they could take a public bus. Wow. Such a mother, right? Megan followed Julia outside as they watched the bus pull up in front of their neighborhood. "Come on, Julia. We can't be slow! It wastes the time of that hard-working bus driver." Megan exclaimed as she darted for the bus. Julia walked slowly, her eyes glued to the screen of her phone. The bus honked at her. Julia groaned as she put her phone in her pocket and walked onto the bus. She told the fat lady driving her name and walked to the seat where Megan sat to find it was already occupied by two. She groaned once more as she took a seat next to a girl with blond braids down her back. "Hello." The girl greeted. Julia rolled her eyes. "Can you be quiet? My ears already ache." She sighed as she got her phone back out. The girl's smile morphed into a scowl. "Look, girl, this school dosen't get new students that aren't freshman very often. Basically all of the Juniors this year will be familiar with each other and your going to be super lonely. I was just trying to be nice, but it looks like your not getting any friends." The girl stated, holding a disapproving gaze. Julia glared at her. "Look, girl, by keeping that zipper shut your doing everyone a favor. Who said I wanted friends? They drag you down. They're like zits. You don't want them there, but they themselves decide they belong there. They're not too hard to get rid of either. So maybe before giving an unneeded  speech, you could've left me the hell alone. But I guess not."

"Popping zits isn't good for your skin. It has bad side effects." The braided girl lifted her eyebrows before picking up her own phone and opening TikTok.

    Julia walked the halls, looking for her classroom. She eventually found it down a hallway, and frowned to herself as she knocked on the door. After a name was called and footsteps sounded, a small girl with brown wavy hair opened the door and gasped. "Hello!" The girl said excitedly. "I'm Priya, are you new? We dont normally get new kids here other than the freshman."
Priya smiled as Julia walked in. "Yeah, I'm new."Julia blankly replied as she sat in a desk next to a boy with curly platinum blond hair. The teacher smiled. "We won't put the tardy against you since its the first day." The teacher continued through the power point on the board before the bell rang. It seems this day wouldn't be much but teachers going over the same rules. Julia hummed to herself sitting through another power point three minutes later.

And another

And another.

Until the lunch bell finally rang and students rushed out of the jails cells that adults called classrooms. Julia followed some people to the cafeteria and watched the tables form. She decided to grab a lunch and sit... with... well, Megan was sitting with a group of people. Julia went to sit with them. She saw the platinum blond boy from earlier, two matching guys in hockey jerseys, a short asian girl with bangs and a beanie, and a blond girl with blue eyes. "Heyyy, Jules! This is Bowie, Wayne, Raj, Mary, and Emma. Guys, this is my twin Julia." Megan smiled. Julia raised an eyebrow before the Mary cleared her throat. "It's MK, not Mary." She corrected. Megan stared blankly. "Kate." Megan fixed. "Her name is Kate."
Mk sighed as she took a bite from her food. Julia stared. "How do you eat this gross stuff?" She asked MK, who stared and then ignored her. Emma smiled and waved. "Hey!"
Julia simply waved in return and looked at the gross food on her plate. The she saw Megan's lunchbox. She reached for it helplessly, before Megan snatched it away. "Nope, should've packed your own lunch." She grinned as she unzipped it. "I brought mango flavored yogurt with chopped strawberries on top." Megan bragged. She knew very well that was Julia's favorite thing to eat in, like, the whole world. Julia gasped. Megan stuck her hand inside the lunchbox, and pulled it back out with nothing. "Huh- where did it go?" Megan frowned. Julia swore she saw a sly smile plastered on MK's face. Bowie looked like he knew what happened to it, laughing. Raj and Wayne were simply talking about what sounded to them a relatable conversation about when you accidentally swallow the hockey puck. Tat didn't sound very normal, but, oh well. "So, Julia, interested in joining the Gay Straight Alliance or Gay club?" Bowie randomly asked. Julia took a moment to process this. "Uh, no." She answered. Bowie's eyebrows furrowed. "Homophobic much?" He asked
Julia sighed. She wasn't homophobic, she just didn't care.
About the clubs or the school.
Man, she missed online school.

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