6. ᴛʜᴇ ʟɪsᴛ

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thank you for all the comments! it's really nice to wake up to many notifications. i'm so happy you're enjoying this story!!

Armani Atkins was furious.

She rarely got mad. Always trying to find peaceful solution, Armani was known as a rather calm person, always there to keep her not so calm friends in line.

However there she was, practically running through the halls, her jaw clenched and her eyes looking for one person in particular - Alex Standall.

It's been a month since her birthday, and it became a tradition for her and Cassie to join Hannah, Jessica, and eventually Alex on their meetings at Monet's. Armani enjoyed their company, yet she was the first one to stop showing up at the meetings. She found herself feeling down as of late, and being surrounded by her closer friends was something that made her feel better and more comfortable.

She did consider Alex her friend at some point of their Monet's era. They boy was funny and sometimes caring, and she never would've thought that he would make her feel mad.

And yet here she was, after finally spotting him in the hallway, striding towards him. She grabbed his collar and slammed him against the lockers, making him grunt.

„Woah!" Bryce, who stood by them, grabbed Mani's shoulders gently and tried prying her off, but she pointed her finger at him.

„Don't." he rose his hands and stepped back, letting her do her thing. Still holding Alex's shirt, she pulled a piece of paper out of her pocket and showed it into his face. „Care to explain?" Alex looked at the paper and cursed quietly. Before he could answer, a new voice entered the scene.

„Mani." she immidietly turned around, her eyes falling on Cassie who was quickly walking towards them with Justin by her side. Mani's eyes softened, but she quickly looked to Alex as he tried to pry her hands off of him. „Let him go."

„You're lucky that Jeff is sick and that Monty didn't see this bullshit." she hissed at the blonde boy, letting him go. Justin put his hand on her back in attempt to calm her down.

„What happened?" he asked, and in response she handed him the piece of paper she was holding. His eyes scanned over what was written there, and he looked to the ground. Mani's eyebrows shot up.

„Are you fucking kidding me?" she asked and when the boy didn't answer, she laughed humourlessly, shaking her head. She ripped the list out of his hands and looked around, quite a big circle forming around them. She held the paper up. „Anyone who says anything inappropriate to any of us girls, will be facing me. Got it?" she shouted, and made sure to glare at every jock who she suspected to have taken part in creating the list.

„What's going on?" Monty's voice boomed through the hallway as he made his way throught the students.

„Oh shit." Alex muttered and bit his lip, slowly trying to fleed the scene.

As Monty approached his best friend, he noticed how angry she was and that her whole body was shaking. He frowned and put his hand on her back, the pair sharing looks. Silent conversation took place between them and Mani handed him the list. He quickly scanned it over and clenched his jaw.

Best Body Overall : Armani Atkins
Best Legs : Cassie Swan

„Who the fuck did this?" he whispered, looking at Mani. She nodded her head towards Alex, who cowered under Monty's glare. In two big steps he got to him, punching him in the jaw without moment of hestitation.

„Monty!" Cassie yelled and went to drag the boy away, but Mani held her hand in front of her.

„Jesus, fuck man!" Alex protested, holding his hand to his face. „I didn't put her fucking name on there! Christ."

𝐷𝐴𝑌𝐿𝐼𝐺𝐻𝑇 - 𝑇𝐻𝐼𝑅𝑇𝐸𝐸𝑁 𝑅𝐸𝐴𝑆𝑂𝑁𝑆 𝑊𝐻𝑌Where stories live. Discover now