Chapter 1

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     My life was splendid. Like a story straight out of a fairytale. Loving parents, and an adorable little sister. I was happy, I was truly happy, and I believed that I would always be, I believed that happiness would be all that surrounds us... but I soon learned just how easily things can be destroyed. That our perfect family that I had done so much to build could crumple down in a matter of seconds, and that a single person could completely ruin your life. 

"Today's the day! Today's the day! Wake up Drizella!! Father's finally coming back!! We must hurry and clean the house from top to bottom and ensure that Father's shocked when he comes back with mother!!" My dear little sister chanted excitedly. Rubbing my eyes with a yawn, I turned to face her, "Indeed Anastasia, today is a joyful day, now why don't you hurry up and get started with the house and let your poor sister eat breakfast first?" 

"No no no! I mustn't let you do that! We have so little time to spare! And mother has already set out to pick up father from the pier! We must get to work now!" 

I let out a deep sigh as I drowsily detached myself from the warmth of my bed just to be welcomed by the cool air. 

"Are you not cold Anastasia?" I muttered with a shudder

"Now is no time to be cold! I do not care even if it were as cold as the seas, for today is a day that we have been waiting for for a long time!" 

Blowing a strand of hair out of my face I sluggishly plodded after Anastasia as she frantically fussed over the list of things we needed to tend to. "Flowers! We need flowers! A bouquet of flowers is sure to make Father happy!" 

"Yes, yes, would you like me to get them? I am sure they're selling some down the street" I offered, taking the hint.

"Oh that would be splendid! Thank you very muchh! Come back quickly though! It would be extremely draining for me to clean this house all by myself!" 

I smiled as I headed back to my room to change into something appropriate for outdoors, pulled a pair of boots on, and made my way out. 

"Come back soon!" Anastasia beamed, her eyes practically shinning. How adorable  I thought to myself. Today was a day of great significance, afterall, Father whom had been out at sea for so long was finally coming back home for good. Because from today onwards we will be able to be together as a family everyday, and do all the things that we have always wanted to do. Ah, I'm truely blessed to have such a wonderful family, I smiled to myself. 

Although I had acted composed in front of Anastasia, I could barely contain the amount of joy that rushed like blood through my body. My finger tips tingled, as my lips consonsiously pulled back into a wide grin, and even though I could hear myself humming, I couldn't stop. While I skipped through the streets, I noticed the subtle glances casted by the townfolks, but I was far to overwelmed with delight to pay mind to such things. I could still hear Anastasia gleefully chanting in my head, "Father's coming back! Father's coming back!", or was it me?  

 It didn't take long for me to find a flower shop, not that I was even aware of how much time had passed. Swinging the door open, I waltzed in, scanning all the flowers available. 

"Hello dear, anything I can help with?" The owner of the store asked. She was an old lady with the most sincere smile, grey streaks of hair, and eyes that were endlessly filled with something I couldn't quite wrap my hands around. 

"Ah yes, that would be most appreciated. Would you happen to have anything that's suitable for a very special occasion?" 

"Why, why? Yes I do!" She replied with a chuckle, as she stood up and opened the door behind her to what I supposed was the storage room. She disappeared for a few minutes, and I even considered checking if she were still there, "Here you go sweetie" the old lady said in a soothing voice as she handed the bouquet to me.

"Oh it's beautiful! How much do I owe you for this lovely bouqet?" 

"Now, now dear you don't own me anything"

"Pardon me? Please you mustn't tease me now! How could I ever dare to take such marvelous flowers without first paying what it is worth?" I stated loudly my voice filled with the confusion that I felt.

"No one is teasing you dear, you can take this bouquet... no I insist that you take it"

"But why?" I couldn't comprehend any reason for the shop owner to do as she was doing, was she really simply being kind or was there some kind of hidden motive behind her actions?

"I am planning on closing this flower shop soon, all these flowers will go to waste anyway, and as these flowers don't mean much to me anymore I would be most pleased if you could take them"

I had no reason to refuse, yet I was still skeptical about it. If it were Anastasia she would've accepted right away, and go on all day praising how kind the lady of the shop was, but I had always been the more dubious of the two of us, and the thought of recieving such a favour from someone I had just met prick me with uneasiness. Am I overreacting? Maybe she really is just a warm-hearted lady? I shouldn't be so paronoid, for she's just trying to be kind... right?  

"If you say so ma'am, although I hope you will except a gift from me as well", I countered with a friendly smile. I took a small pouch out of my bag and placed it gently into the old lady's hands, and giving a slight curtsy, I made my way out. I grinned like I child knowing what I had just done, because inside that pouch was enough to buy 10 more bouquets. Clapping my hands together, I bounced home grinning from ear to ear. 

Turning the door knob, I made my way into our house, "I'm home!" I announced, "And I got a bouquet! It's the most exqusitely stunning bouquet I had ever laid my eyes on, Father's sure to like it!".  I took my boots off, and made my way to the living room when I didn't recieve any replies, how strange, knowing Anastasia she would've came running chirping excitedly about whatever it is that was on her mind. "Hello? Anast-" my voice trailed off at the sight before my eyes. Mother had Anastasia pulled into a hug as she wiped the tears from Anastasia's eyes, but the tears didn't stop and mother herself was sobbing nearly just as much as Anastasia.  An endless flood of tears trickled down her ashen cheeks as Anastasia looked over at me, her eyes  red as though she had been crying for days, "F-father, h-he..." she choked, gasping in a failed attempt to calm herself, she was hiccuping so much that she physically couldn't say anymore. My eyes darted towards my mother, begging her to explain what was going on, "Your f-father, he... he, t-the ship that t-they were boarding on an a-accident"

"And he?? He's alright isn't he??! Please mother, please tell me he's alright! Please I'm begging you please..." I couldn't even feel as the bouquet slipped out of my hands and toppled to the ground. My mother looked at me, her features twisted in grief. 

"N-no! That's can't be!! I REFUSE TO BELIEVE IT I REFUSE!!" My voice transformed into a yell as tears began to boarder the brim of my eyes, I could feel the back of my throat burn like I had drank acid, except drinking acid would've been better then this, no, anything would've been better. My mind was a mess, and I could hardly breath at all, NO NO NO NO NOOO were the only words that I could think at the time. 

"YOU'RE LYING MOTHER! YOU'RE LYING! THERE'S NO WAY SOMETHING LIKE THIS COULD'VE HAPPENED TO FATHER!! THIS IS JUST A SILLY JOKE! RIGHT MOTHER???" Anyone in their right mind would've known that my mother was not lying, nor was this any kind of joke, but I wasn't in my right mind and I wanted so deperately to deny any truth in my mother's words. My knees lost their strength as I tumbled to meet the ground, "N-no, no no it can't be... it mustn't be..."

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