1 ﹒ The Serene

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   "Pretty brown eyes and a mind full of thoughts."

Wilhelmina is not adventurous... or very brave for that matter. 

Wilhelmina did not ever think about crossing over the evergreen wall which encloses the The Serene from the outside world, and Wilhelmina CERTAINLY did not think about breaking her repetitious days spent in the kingdom for exciting possibilities beyond The Serene.

The grass is always greener, Wilhelmina constantly reminded herself, and no grass is greener than that of The Serene's.

"By no means are you bringing that to your room, mina. Your room houses more plants than our conservatory, for Kalene's sake." Queen of the winged fae, Evera, so lovingly reminds her daughter. Queen Evera crosses her slim arms up to her chest, surveying the soiled face of her daughter, then dragging her eyes down to the filth coating Wilhelmina's white dress and bare feet. "By Kalene, you're filthy!" Evera exclaims, motioning to Wilhelmina's dirtied state. 

At this moment, the two women look polar opposites. Queen Evera's dirty-blonde hair was flipped up into a tightly bound braid, gold beads adorned her pin-straight hair which was cinched off mid-back with a gold ribbon that swirled throughout her hair, ending in a neat bow. Her slim and pointed face was matched with an equally slim and pointed body, her elbows jutted away from her slim hips as she rested her hands atop. Her own kin, Wilhelmina's dark and thick hair reached nearly twice as low as her mother's, haphazardly pushed up and into a messy ponytail. Strands of her wavy hair were stuck to her face with a layer of sweat and dirt, her airy white dress the same.

The only thing similar about the two women were the light green, translucent fairy wings that nearly touched the ground. 

Wilhelmina sighs, bracing the potted peony on her left hip and using her newly freed right hand to swipe at her dirtied dress. Her mother was right, her room contained a wide variety of plants that easily rivaled that of the kingdom's conservatory, which was no small feat. Being a faerie, it was natural that Wilhelmina was drawn to the allures of nature as she spent majority of her time raising and caring for various plants. While the fae princess enjoyed her hobby and was overjoyed when a pot transfer or addition of fertilizers worked, the castle maids did not.

Unfortunately, Wilhelmina's latest repot, a pink flouncy peony, had adapted very well to its new ornate pot... which was very unfortunate considering the damage the endeavor had done to her beautifully flowy, and very white, evening dress.

Queen Evera shoos Wilhelmina's busy hand, a puff of agitation leaving her mouth with a curt puff of the cheeks. Her perfectly sculpted eyebrows draw together, revealing the fine lines of her forehead given to her by graceful aging. "Any more wiping and I think you will give the poor maids a heart attack," The Queen takes the pot from Wilhelmina's hand earning her a whine of protest. "And, of course, we wouldn't want that." Queen Evera places down the pot against a nearby wall, across from Wilhelmina's bedroom door. The Queen wipes off her hands together in one swift and graceful motion, the bones in her perfectly-manicured hands were prominent and had slight wrinkling made more noticeable by an even tan.

Wilhelmina sighs in defeat, there's no point in arguing with the Queen who is as stubborn as a mule. 

"What of the peony, then? Gyul says the conservatory is filled to the brim and it would be a shame to see such a beautiful flower wilt away in some corner of the castle..." Wilhelmina draws her sentence out in mock gloom.

Queen Evera's eyebrow slightly raises. "I'm sure Gyul will find a suitable spot for it." Evera declares curtly.  "I'll have a maid retrieve it in the noon, for now I'd advise you to freshen up as we have guests on the way." The Queen gives one last glance over Wilhelmina before turning and ambling down a near hallway.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31 ⏰

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