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I left my wife alone in the island . It doesn't feel good , I wanna be with her . Well she is angry with me . So , I thought to plan a suprise date for us .

I wanna win her trust so , I thought to forgive her father Ajay . I called Mr.Ajay sorry my sasur ji ( father in law ) . I spoke to him before he speaks anything.

" Hello sasur ji , this is Ruhaan Agarwal your son in law ".

" You're not my son in law , I can't accept that ". He said gritting his teeth . " I will pay your money back and design a new model for your mall but please leave her ,she is equal to my daughter ".

" What ! Equal to your daughter what do you mean by that ? ". I exclaimed listening to that .

He said " let's talk personally, I am gonna come to Mumbai tomorrow let's meet " .

Even I wanna meet him to get things clear . I feel he is trying to hide something and Vidya too . I need to find out that.

I told him " I will come to Hyderabad with my wife tomorrow " and I cut the call .

I remembered he said " she is equal to my daughter " . What does he mean ? Is she not his real daughter ? . I thought .

I called my secret detective to get details of my wife and I send him my wife photo and told him she is from Hyderabad , graduated from Osmania University and her father Ajay works in ' Pratap Reddy construction company ' .

I ordered him to collect her personal details rather than these details and also about Ajay's family.

He said okay sir and noted all my points then I cut the call .

I got busy with my work . I took a break opened my ipad and saw my wife is having her lunch and talking to the maid . Well she is so adorable. I was smiling unknowingly looking her and I was completely lost in her .

I came into my senses when my secretary knocked on the door . I told him to come in . He spoke " sir , there is an important U.S conference they gave us two dates one is tonight and the other is next week , Should I schedule it tonight sir  " .

I said " No ! I can't make it today my wife is waiting for me " . He murmured " I think it's you sir " . I glared at him . He didn't spoke further and went silent for a bit .

I told him to pack our premium ball gown . He nodded in yes .

I asked him " Did you plan the date on the island as I instructed you ? "

He said " yes sir we did it and we made sure mam didn't notice us " .

That's good well you can take a leave today and I made a reservation for you in my father's resort enjoy your day . He smiled happily thanked me and left my cabin .

I landed on my island and searched for my sweetheart. She wasn't there. The maid told me she went to the beach shore . I checked my ipad and saw she was sitting on the shore watching the stars , I quickly went towards her and saw the most beautiful thing . Her dance . She was dancing so gracefully singing the song " Piya tose Naina Lage re ".

I was awestruck by her dance and got completely lost in her . Suddenly she stopped dancing and turned looking at me . I don't want her to stop . So , I went towards her held her waist and her hand . I lifted her and made her stand on my feet and started dancing with her . This is the most beautiful feeling I can ever have . I wanna look into her eyes but she is not at all looking at me .

I stopped dancing lifted her chin up towards me and said " I want your eyes locked into my eyes sweetheart ". Finally she looked into my eyes . But she was surprised. I don't know why she is looking suprised.

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