Breeding | Jimin & Taehyung

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"Ah..." You moaned into Jimin's mouth.

He chuckled into the kiss. He pulled his hips back and you watched him as he took his cock out. He guided it towards your dripping pussy and let it rest between your lips.

Tae glanced at you, holding your hand.

Jimin kissed your shoulder and your neck before kissing your lips once more.

Jimin started moving his hips and you could feel his cock slide between your pussy lips. You gasped and let out a whine.

Taehyung laughed softly and Jimin kissed you.

You kissed back, moaning into his mouth.

Taehyung pulled your top up and you raised your arms, letting him take it off. He then unclasped your bra and tossed it onto the floor. You glanced at him with a smile before his mouth connected to your neck, sucking hard.

Jimin's tip pushed into you and you let out a high pitched moan. You wrapped your arms around him, holding onto his broad shoulders.

Taehyung hummed against your skin before he pulled away, running his fingers through your hair.

Jimin pulled his hips back and pushed into you once more. His cock stretched you, sending a pleasured shiver down your spine.

You held onto him tighter, moaning out. You squeezed him in your arms as he started rocking into you.

You pressed your head into his chest, letting your moans be muffled by his skin. He leaned over, his cock still pumping into you and began kissing your neck.

You shuddered and arched your back, letting out a shaky breath. Your fingers dug into him as your body tensed up.

"So pretty." Namjoon cooed, you glanced to your side and saw the other members watching you.

You swallowed, feeling a hot flush spread across your face and neck.

"Fuck.." You whimpered as Jimin picked up the pace.

Jimin moved his hips quickly, his cock pounding into you. In the meanwhile, Taehyung's hands squeezed your breaths. You let out a moan and whine, gripping onto them.

You felt the tip of Jimin's cock hitting deep within you, rubbing against your sensitive nerves. It was sending sparks through your body and you were seeing white. You threw your head back and let out a long, high pitched moan. Your legs shook, and your body quivered.

"She came already?" Hoseok chuckled.

You opened your eyes slowly and saw their expressions. They were watching you with curiosity and hunger. They seemed excited at the thought of seeing you come undone by their member.

"My turn." Taehyung said.

Taehyung sat back and pulled you onto his lap. He sat you down and guided his cock into you. You gripped onto his shoulders, feeling his cock sink deep within you. You shuddered and leaned your head back, letting out a loud moan.

You felt something poke against your cheek and automatically you opened your mouth. You closed your lips around it and let it slide over your tongue, sucking on it.

Taehyung grunted and thrust up into you.

Your moans turned into muffled whimpers as Jimin gripped onto your hair and pushed your head back and forth.

Taehyung fucked into you faster, gripping onto your hips. His nails dug into your skin and left red marks behind.

You could hear the wet sounds coming from your pussy as it wrapped around his cock.

Your eyes rolled into the back of your head and you couldn't help but smile as the pleasure washed over you.

You sucked onto Jimin's cock harder, closing your eyes. You let the feeling of it slide over your tongue.

You moaned around him, squeezing him between your lips.

Jimin tugged at your hair.

"She loves it." Yoongi whispered, nudging Hoseok.

You bounced on Taehyung's cock, moving your body. Taehyung's fingers trailed down to your pussy and his thumb pressed against your clit

You shivered at the touch, arching your back. You could feel yourself start to come undone once more. Your body was tensing up and you squeezed around him. You pulled your mouth off of Jimin with a pop. Now you wrapped your fingers around his cock, pumping him quickly. You could feel the cum dripping down your hand as you stroked him.

"Fuck..." Jimin moaned.

He tangled his fingers into your hair and held you close. You felt his cock twitch in your hand and you gasped as it began to shoot out, covering your face.

At that, Taehyung gritted his teeth, gripping onto your hips as he slammed his cock into you once more, releasing his cum as well.

Your moans echoed around the room. Your pussy felt warm as you came on his cock once more.

"Do you think Taehyung or Jimin got her pregnant?" Jungkook snickered.

You swallowed, taking deep breaths. Your head was swimming and you felt so weak.

"We will see." Namjoon chuckled.

credits to badbtssmut on tumblr

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