chapter 2

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Hi I'm Wang Yibo.. I'm 33 year's old...and this is my story... Hope u like it.. and before u start pls vote and support me... So let's start...

33 year's ago: ( I will start it from bottom so don't got confused..)
It all started 33years ago... When a very beautiful and cute baby boy bron in Wang family... Mr Wang was very happy to know his successor was here.. every one happy and celebrating.... everyone's thoughts that the boy was very lucky to bron in Wang family world one of the richest family... Which in rank second... After XIAO family, which was fast in rank...
But it's not....

9 year's letter: ( like this, okay U understand )
Everything was fine... The little boy was now' 9 year's old... But he was a little shy in nature... And scared of his father... He was clam yet noughty... But he was defferent from others... He was very smart and intelligent and have a great IQ level... But his shy nature and attitude was not like by his father... Because his father wants a perfect candidate for his business SUCCESS... So at the age of 5 his martialarts, boxing and how to handle world rank second company.... Training started ... His father always strict with him... As he was the only heir of Wang company... Because of health issues his mother can't carry aging... So all the responsibility was on his shoulders....

But all of it changed when he reach 9 year's old...

4 years later:
Now I'm 13 years old... But now everything was definite... I was no longer training to become a successor... But now a prisoner...
Yes a prisoner, I'm not allowed to go out... Or make friendship with other's... Boys where forbidden to come close to me... I'm home schoold.. but thanks to Lusi I'm not lonely... She was the only one who was allow closer to me... Which I was great full...
All' of this started when I was 9.. suddenly my stomach started to hurt so badly that I become unconscious... And when I open my eyes I was in hospital and my parents have disappointment faces.. and I can also see a little disgus ... What.. what happened.. and the answer I got.. my world come crushing down... I have Womb... And because of it I'm becoming weak... And also we can't remove it... Or it will make a very bad infact in me... So stating that day I'm not allowed to go out from the house... No not just house also from my room... No mala was allow near me... Not even servants... I'm home schoold.. my training and exercise was also ban 🚫.... My mother loves me very much... But she will always side with my father and never oppose him... But still I thought everything was just to protect me... And my father also loves me.. and all the time Lusi was with me comforting me... And for that I was grateful to her...

3 years later:
Now I'm 16 and I saw him for the fast time... My idol, my inspire, and my fast love Sean xiao.... I saw how in a Yong age he was handling the business... How he was facing the world... With the confident... So I started to Idologies him... And started to follow him... And become a Big fan-admire of him in no time... So I also promised myself that I will also provide myself to father...

So stating today a new journey start of my life...

2 year's letter:
I'm now 18... And now I'm waiting for my husband... Yes husband... 1 week ago my dad told me I'm getting married... I'm shock... I want to protest... But I couldn't... But then when I hear who was it I became happy... Because it was Sean Ga... My fast love.... OMG 😱😳.... So now here I'm waiting for my husband.... Our marriage was over.. today was my wedding night I was very nervous...
And the room door open....

Now a new chapter of my life START...

1 years later:
I am 19 YEARS old and now a mother...I was in hospital, alone, while holding my new born baby boy.....

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