Chapter 1 - My partner Charcadet

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(Hi! I've been meaning to write this for a while, I just think that it will be easier for me to write because pokemon is one of my main interests, so hopefully this doesn't end up being discontinued 😅)

The sun rose over the horizon of the sea, bathing Cabo Poco in a warm golden glow. At the very end of Cabo Poco, stood a singular house, it was surrounded by a lush garden, brimming with life. The sun shone in the upstairs bedroom window, leaving a beam of light on the face of a red - haired girl. Her dull blue eyes opened, and immediately narrowed because of the bright light. Instead of just getting up like a normal person, she turned away from the light and pulled her quilt, covered in images of various ghost type pokemon, over her head.

"Yasashi! Come downstairs for breakfast! It's a big day for you today!"

Yasashi heard what her mother said, but she didn't care, she continued to lay unmoving in her bed, that is, until she heard her mum say something to somone, which was followed by small footsteps running up the stairs. She braced for the impact she knew was about to come just in time for Charcadet to jump on top of her. Charcadet began to jump up and down on her stomach. Yasashi groaned in discomfort and sat up, grabbing the small pokemon and wrapping her arms around it, she leaned down to be level with its face and spoke in a hushed voice.

"I thought you were meant to be on my side."

Charcadet made a noise akin to laughter and wriggled out of Yasashi's grasp, jumping one more time before launching away and barrelling down the stairs at full speed.

"OK, OK, I'm coming..."

She sat up in bed, rubbing her head and swung her legs over the side of the bed to the floor, standing up. She stretched out her arms and started to walk to the stairs when she glanced to the side and caught sight of the Mimikyu onsie she was wearing. 'Should I change... nah, can't be bothered.'. Yasashi yawned and slowly trudged down the stairs, tripping on the step that was third from the bottom, she started to fall and her instincts kicked in, which caused her to throw one foot out in front of her just as she was about to hit the ground at the bottom of the stairs, essentially saving herself. She let out a sight of relief after the shock passed, and made her way towards the kitchen.

Yasashi yawned one more as she sauntered into the kitchen and sat down on a chair at the table, she groggily rubbed her eyes and looked over at her mother, who was frying something at the stove, facing away from her.

"So, Yasashi, are you exited to start your new school today?"

"... Yeah, I guess..."

"Don't be so down, your uniform will arrive soon, joyfully byt the end of breakfast, then you can go get ready."

Yasashi sighed, knowing her mother would never understand why no person in their right mind would ever be exited about school. The only thing there was to be exited about was that she would be able to explore the rest of Paldea, something she had never been able to do without her mother hovering over her shoulder, so now she could actually look into things and go places that interest her, not her mother. She was snapped out of her trance by Charcadet gently touching her lower let with its tiny little stubby hand and looking up at her with reassuring eyes.

Yasashi has had Charcadet for years, when her father came back to Unova from a work trip to Pladea, he had brought Charcadet back for her. Ever since her dad passed in a plane crash just two months later, Charcadet had been Yasashi's 'Emotional support pokemon', the little guy had been really helping with her mental health.

While Yasashi was zoned out thinking about the history between her and her partner pokemon, her mother placed a plate of pancakes on the table infront of her, dripping in syrup and covered in sweet berries. She muttered a quick thank you to her mother and slowly ate her pancakes, handing little bits to Charcadet every time her mother looked away. She had just finished her pancakes (and given Charcadet the last pacha berry) when the doorbell rang. 

Yasashi's mother hurriedly wiped her hands on a cloth before dropping it on the counter and leaving the room to answer the front door. She heard her mother greeting somone, she sounded surprised, which was odd. Yasashi chose not to question it any further and bent down to pick up Charcadet, holding it so that it's legs hung down in front of her chest and it's head and arms were above her arms. She stood up straight as her mother walked into the kitchen with an old looking man she didn't know.

"Yasashi, sweetie, this is Director Clalvell, from the new school your going to. Isn't that exiting?"

Yasashi deadpanned at her mother's enthusiasm. Director Clalvell cleared his throat to speak.

"I apologise for the late arrival of your uniform Miss Yasashi, I feared it would not get to you on time so I decided to deliver it to you myself."

Clalvell held the uniform out for Yasashi to take, she reached out with one hand, using the other to prevent Charcadet from falling, and she held the uniform in her hand. Her mother patted her head with one hand, causing her to flinch slightly at the unexpected contact.

"Yasashi, why don't you go and change into your uniform while I speak with Director Clalvell?"

Yasashi nodded before turning and heading out of the room towards the stairs. She cautiously climbed up the stairs, being careful not to slip this time. When she entered her room, she walked towards her bed and, with great care, gently placed Charcadet on the bed, giving it a head pat before hurriedly getting changed out of her Mimikyu onsie and into her new uniform. She checked her appearance in the mirror, making sure there were no imperfections in the uniform. Then she got to work styling her wild, red hair. She grabbed the brush and started to brush through it, gently pulling out any knots. Her hair was always very thick, so no matter what she did it would just look like a mass of red fluff. She brushed all of her hair to one side of her head, leaving her undercut visible on the other side. Happy with her appearance, she picked up her rucksack and put only the stuff she would need for the first day in it. The rest of her stuff was packed up and would be delivered at the dorms for her tomorrow. She put her bag on her back and walked down the stairs, Charcadet following close behind her. When she reached to bottom of the stairs, she saw Director Clalvell standing my the front door.

"Come now Miss Yasashi, its time for us to depart."

He turned to Yasashi's mother, who had just walked into the room from the kitchen.

"And thank you Carol, for the tea."

"No problem."

Yasashi's mother pulled her into a tight hug, which lasted for a few seconds before both of them pulled away.

"Now you stay safe out there, ok sweetie?"

Yasashi nodded a d turned to leave, as she was walking out the front door with Director Clalvell, she turned and waved to her mother and put Charcadetin its pokeball, before fully walking out of the house and gently shutting the door.

(1261 words) I think that is the most words I have ever written in one chapter of a story. So, yeah, please bear with me while I get the next bit out, thank you for your patience.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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