Chapter 2

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The Survey Corps and (Y/N) were riding towards their actual destination, where a titan horde could be found.  (Y/N) running alongside the horses and Levi kept a close eye on her.

Erwin: “Right there is a horde of Titans. There the man eating beasts that we need to slay. Show us how you'll deal with them, if you will.”

(Y/N) grinned. Finally she would get to slaughter something and bathe in the ecstasy of high of an adrenaline rush.

(Y/N): “This will be as easy as ever..!”

She laughed and launched herself at the titan horde. She had a crazy expression on her face as she was closing in on the horde.


She managed to get into the middle of the horde..

That's when the massacre began.

The Survey Corps saw blood spewing everywhere and titans falling down. It was a massacre And the survey corps could only watch.

Survey Corp Member: “Holy shit..”

Levi: “This brat…Is a killing machine and battle maniac.”

Erwin: “She's laughing while slaughtering. She's fast, it's like she's too fast for my eyes.”

Hange: “She's so strong?! Is this the strength of those from other worlds?!”

Levi: “Other worlds..?”

Erwin: “We found out that she is from another world. She's a warrior in fact. One that slaughters and kills for the fun of it. Which makes her wild and a trump card. She could kill without hesitation from the looks of it.”

Levi: “She would even kill a human?”

Erwin: “Correct. There was no doubt about it. For now we have her as an ally. Someone on Humanity's side. With her, clearing titans would be easier. Though we can't use her as our crutch all the time. We must fight as well.”

Hange: “I wonder if she would let me experiment on her? There could be some amazing things I could discover about her and what she is..Like how strong is her body or.. what type of face she is from..?”

Erwin: “All questions would be answered soon, hopefully Hange. For now, let's just focus on the task at hand. We will provide support if she needs it.”

After a few minutes, (Y/N) was the only one standing. She was covered in blood with her eyes completely blank and white. Her breathing was heavy as bulging veins could be seen on her arms.

The Survey Corps got closer to her and Erwin was the first one to speak up.

Erwin: “You seem like you enjoyed that slaughter..How do you feel?”

(Y/N): “I feel amazing! Those titans provided me with some entertainment and satisfied my lust for blood and battle. I'd say today was a good day…for me.”

Erwin: “We are still not done. We have more to eradicate if we follow the route.”

(Y/N): “Good.. I'll help ya’. Just try not to get in my way.”

Erwin: “Of course.”

They continued the route and slayed some Titans but there were some casualties.  (Y/N) didn't mind that because in times of battles there will be death. Death and destruction from her experience.

Now they were heading back.

Erwin: “(Y/N), you're about to go into a city full of people. Make sure to keep calm.”

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