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Diamond wafted down the hallways of the high school wrapped in her procession of cheerleader's, like a goddess surrounded by her entourage. Her blonde hair swung back and forth in its high ponytail, her eyes sparkled as they were complimented by the green and white cheer uniform she adorned that highlighted all her curves. With a dimpled smile she was able invoke the envy of all the other students. The scene before me was right out of a teenage movie, as everything  and everyone seemed to stop what they were doing and focus all their attention on the group of cheerleaders as they made their way to the cafeteria. 

I felt the all so familiar feeling of envy grow within me, as I thought about just how unfair it all was to me. She had all the beauty, all the friends all the power. 

It words immediately echoed in my head, " Bring Diamond to me and I promise to make you popular." 

Diamond skimmed through the cafeteria line as she piled a bit of everything onto her tray, flashing whoever was in front with her kind dimpled smile she knew would get her anything she wanted and those who she kept cutting were helpless to her pearly whites. Screw her good genes, she could eat an elephant and still not gain a single pound.

"I don't understand why you see the need to starve yourself, you're already skin and bones you should be worried more about gaining weight than loosing it." she often remarked.

I made my presence known without hesitation as I sat my tray down and occupied the seat on her left as always.  Minutes latter Gareth and his squad of jocks appeared and he took his usual seat to Diamond's right immediately showering her with compliments and his  charming smile. How I wish he gave me the same attention he gave Diamond, his efforts always seemed futile as she had long sworn herself from any intimacy with boys be it physical or emotional.

"Bring her to me and I promise to make you popular." 

The loud scrapping of chairs on the tiled floors pulled me out of my thoughts, as the cheerleader's proceeded to take their seats. Not one of them greeted me or looked my way as the ignored my presence as they always did. 

Multiple conversations came to life, Beckie talked about how she had driven her car over her cat, Talia about her interest of the week and the others about one thing or another, all conversations that as usual I was not a part of.

And with that lunch went by as I watched everyone showering Diamond with their utmost adoration and attention, which I craved for.

"Bring her to me and I promise to make you popular,"

Over and over like a broken tape recorder I heard its voice, begging me to give in, somehow it knew  I  was already tempted, that one foot was already in whilst the other resisted, the one that still had common sense and decency to know this was wrong and that giving in would be wrong.

Everyday for half an hour after school the cheerleaders held a practice session, and everyday i would always be present to watch as the changed and perfect the routine not willing to miss anything for fear that whenever the opportunity presented itself I could take it. I urged my legs to walk a little faster as I didn't want to be any later than I already was.

"...I just don't understand why you bother keeping her around Dia," 

I immediately halted, from where I stood just behind the cover of the fourth block I could see Diamond, Beckie Talia and Lacey occupying the corner closest to where I stood as warmed up for their practice. 

Silently I inched forward so I could listen to their conversation as I had a feeling they were talking about me. 

"I understand you grew up together and she is the longest friend you have but some relationships have to come to an end, and for a relationship such as yours and hers the sooner the better." 

"You don't understand Lacey, Sandra and I have been friends for almost all our lives, you cant just drop friends like that Lace." Diamond said as she bent down to tie her bottle green shoe laces.

"Dia you're too nice, its easy to take advantage of you, you think everyone in the school is your friend but even you have to admit that your relationship with Sandra is toxic,  she's not really a good person to hang around,"

" I agree with Lacey on this one Dia, she isn't really someone you should keep hanging out with she's a leech, she leeches of your kindness and takes advantage of your compassion," 

I could feel the rage build up within me, how dare they speak about me when I wasn't around.

" Guys I know you're looking after my best interest and you want the best for me but we really shouldn't talk about it like this," I began to rejoice knowing Diamond would come to my defense, she disliked gossip of any sort, she always preached about how people should have the courage to say thing directly to the person involved and that gossiping was for cowards.

"I know Sandra may not come of as a good friend and I also know you all dislike her and like I said before you do not have to pretend to like, ignoring her as you are is just fine, just understand that just the way she is." I couldn't believe what I was hearing as I looked in Diamond's direction, it made me wonder just how many times this conversation had been brought up. Had she responded the same way. 

"We'll be late for practice at this rate, we know that Miss Marianne isn't exactly in the best mood we best not upset her," and with that the four of them gathered their things and headed for the field.

I emerged from the cover of the shadows, no words can explain the rage I felt, all along Diamond had told them to ignore me. 

I looked towards their figures as they moved further and further away before turning around and heading in the direction I had come from. 

"Bring her to me and I shall make you popular."

I hadn't wanted this, but I was not the one to blame if she wanted to blame anyone for anything she should blame herself.

"Bring her to me and I shall make you popular."

Blame herself for not standing up for me, for making me ostracized by our friends.

Diamond could only blame herself.

Because in the end it had won. 

"Bring her to me and I shall make you popular."

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