Chapter 1: Arrival in Hell

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"A different form, a different time."

As Bill was facing his defeat by being tricked, he heard the words of the axolotl in his consciousness even though his physical form stopped existing for a few moments.
Bill felt as if he was burning. His consciousness was burning painfully in the vastness of nothingness that is impossible to describe with mere words.

If he still had his physical form now, he would giggle like a maniac because in his opinion, pain is hilarious. After a few moments that felt like a span of seconds and eternity at the same time, he started feeling that he was gaining a physical form again. But that process was even more painful than burning in nothingness.

He noticed he was able to open his eye again. He was pleased to see that this one defeat wasn't the end of the road. How could it? He was a mighty, ancient demon. What could ever kill him for good?

As he opened his eye, he instantly realises where he materialised. ""Why didn't I think of coming here earlier? Wouldn't this be the perfect place for me to rule? A place full of depraved souls?! Neat!"", he thought.

He was interrupted in his thoughts when he heard a demon with multiple limbs yell: "Charlie! You should take a look at this weird floating triangle... thing!"
Suddenly, a pale blonde girl appeared out of the direction the multi-limbs creature had also come from. She had a big, hopeful & sweet smile.
Bill tilted his body a bit in confusion, thinking: ""She looks too tame and harmless to be the offspring of hell's ruler. She also... looks really guillable. Maybe taking control of hell will be way easier than I had thought.""

"HELLO, ARE YOU INTERESTED ON TAKING THE CHANCE TO REDEEM YOURSELF?", the blonde chanted in a very joyful and excited tone.
Bill has to fight himself very hard to not start cackling. He is thinking: ""Demons? Taking a chance at redemption? That must be one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard? Wait... did I say one of the most ridiculous things? I meant... the most ridiculous thing! But it's also hilarious. Surely, her goal sounds like good entertainment. I might as well pretend to be into the idea. I would never say no to good entertainment!""

So Bill replies way too eagerly: "Sure thing! Lately, I've been thinking a lot about working on myself. How exactly is the whole ordeal supposed to work?"
The multi-limbs demon says:"Charlie, don't believe any word he says. He sounds fake as fuck."
But Charlie looks at Bill with big puppy eyes forming little tears of joy in them: "I believe him! And I would never turn someone away who wants to get a second chance!" She continues: "We have a hotel for all the demons who take our goal seriously. It's called the Hazbin Hotel. There aren't many guests there yet but there will be soon! We're just starting out."

To convince her, Bill copies her joyful tone, replying: "Oh I can't wait to meet the staff and the other demons being on the same journey to improvement like me! It will be the most wonderful time, Apple."
Charlie frowns when Bill calls her Apple:"Did you just... call me Apple?"
Bill fakes an awkward chuckle:"Instead of their meaningless names, I see people's symbols, you see? Just... forget about it. Tell me more about the hotel instead!"
Charlie: "Oh I see! What is Angel's symbol?"
Bill: "It's Handcuffs. Well anyway, let's go to the hotel, shall we?"
Angel looks at Bill surprised, saying: "I don't like to admit it but it's pretty accurate." He whispers to Charlie: "He isn't to be trusted tho. I'm telling you I get bad vibes about him. He's a creep."
Charlie whispers back: "Thank you for the warning, Angel. But I'm sure he's fine."
Angel frowns: "Don't you think it's a big red flag that this guy is... a god damn triangle?!"
Charlie looks at Bill for a second before looking back at Angel: "Uhmmm... we uhm don't judge."

Silently, they walk to the hotel.
When they arrived, they introduced Bill to the bartender, Husk.
Husk muttered tiredly: "Who is this weird-looking fella?"
Bill took the chance to quickly introduce himself: "Name's Bill Cipher. I'm delighted to meet you, Bottle."
Husk: "Huh?! Did- did he just call me Bottle?"
Angel: "Imagine. Instead of actual names, he uses some random made up symbols."
Husk: "Why is he looking that way anyway? I mean... he's a fucking triangle. WHY?"

Suddenly, a huge, slim 7 feet tall demon dressed completely in red sets foot in the lounge. When he spoke, there was this radio static in his voice which made him sound like a radio speaker from the late 1920s.
"I'm wondering about that as well. Care to properly introduce yourself?"
Bill looks at the radio demon with a bit of genuine excitement.

Bill knows a lot. Bill knows who the radio demon is and when it comes to the radio demon, Bill is actually interested in getting to know him. So eager to aquaintence him, he floats in Alastor's direction:"Name's Bill Cipher. I'm a dream demon. A multi-dimensional demon from another dimension, in fact. I'm from a two-dimensional world. A flat world with flat dreams. So I destroyed my home dimension. I made it burn. I look like a triangle because well well well I was never mortal so that's simply my totally normal appearance. My goals are the domination of numerous universes so I can have intergalactic fun parties that never end with a host that never dies. That's it for now."

Bill tries to read what Alastor is thinking but even for Bill, he was a bit hard to read. No matter what he said, Alastor's smile never shattered the tiniest bit. Only his eyes showing what he is actually feeling or thinking and even that, isn't easy to read.

Bill continues: "In any case, I'm very delighted to make your acquaintance, Alastor. If what I happen to know about you is really true, you'll be an excellent ally and friend of mine. Also, I like your ever-lasting smile."

Alastor's eyes lit up: "Finally! Someone who notices and appreciates it. Seems as if too few people understand you aren't properly dressed without a smile. In either case, I'm also delighted to make your acquaintance and to get to know you. I'll consider your offer of being your ally and friend once we get to know each other better."

A/N: Feel free to check out my new fanfic "Your Afterlife(Hazbin Hotel x Reader)"

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