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a/n: you and nat can't stand each other. when you go on a mission together, your initial feelings start to turn into something else. enemies to lovers, fluff, also a bit of a slowburn because i love writing that kind of stuff atm

quick reminder that I'm horrible at finding plots for missions so just bear with me okay 🙏 and i also don't know how bombs work so parts of this are most likely very inaccurate but whatever lol

Three years of working and fighting with the Avengers, living with them, spending time with them, getting to know them better than you know yourself. All of that — and you and Natasha still don't get along.

From the moment you met, you didn't know how to interact with each other. It started out with being awkward, never knowing what to say to the other. And when you did say something, you were usually met with a small frown or a short glare. Conversations were shortened to the most important details, and missions together usually ended in bickering and fighting over basically everything.

You can't say you hate her. Hate is too strong of a word that seems unfitting to describe your opinion on her. But you don't like her. And she definitely doesn't like you either. There's no particular reason for this — neither of you ever did something that hurt or offended the other, and you never make the effort to try and irritate each other.

You just don't get along. It's that simple.

When you step into the meeting room one morning, you're met with eight heads turning around to look at you. You're late — again.

Natasha's glance gets stuck on you for a few seconds, then she rolls her eyes and focuses on the papers in front of her again. You quickly excuse yourself before hurrying to your spot and sitting down, searching through your bag to find the documents you were asked to bring today.

"Okay, now that Y/N has also decided t0 bless us with her presence, we can finally start", Tony says, scrolling through his laptop. "You probably know there's been some issues regarding terrorism threats in London, so we'll definitely have to check on that." He looks at everyone over the rim of his glasses. "Yes, this is Fury's command. Apparently SHIELD has a lot to do these days."

"We'll all go?", Wanda asks, leaning back in her seat.

"No, no. This isn't that big of an issue yet, so we'll only need someone to check on what's happening over there. Usually they'd simply send an agent or two, but for some reason Fury's convinced that an Avenger should carry out this quick mission." Tony sighs as he projects his laptop screen to the wall, showing you the mission plan. "A trained spy would be necessary for this, so I thought Ms. Romanoff would want to take a short vacay to The Great Wen?" He looks at her expectantly.

She nods, writing something down on one of the papers in front of her.

"Great. And because I'd absolutely hate for you to get lonely over there, I'm sending Y/N with you."

Silence. You look up, a clear look of disbelief on your face. Natasha just stares at him, then she opens her mouth. You can already hear her complaining, but the redhead quickly gets cut off before she can even start.

"We're a team, alright? So behave like one."

When Tony tells you to do something, there usually isn't much negotiation involved. You both know that very well, so you shut up and lower your heads again, staring at the documents in front of you.

. . .

You leave the meeting room almost an hour later, your tote bag over your shoulder and your head hurting.

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