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July 4, 2023

Sunlight fell through the half-opened blinds into Mingi's room. Mingi opened his eyes and looked at his alarm clock, which showed just after five in the morning. He groaned silently and looked next to him. He froze at the sight of Yunho, who still had his eyes closed. He was just too pretty.

Tired, Mingi let his head sink back into the pillow without taking his eyes off Yunho. He lay there and watched as Yunho breathed evenly. He seemed so peaceful. Mingi's eyes wandered over Yunho's face to his chin, over his neck and then lingered on a spot that shimmered blue and red. Mingi chuckled to himself and his hand automatically moved to that spot until his finger touched it and slowly stroked it.

Yunho slowly opened his eyes and looked at Mingi, who looked at him, caught off guard. "What are you doing?" he asked and Mingi grinned. "Maybe we were a bit too wild last night," he said, pointing to Yunho's neck.


Warning: the following scenes include sexual content

Several hours before

Mingi rolled over Yunho while his lips slowly detached themselves from Yunho's and moved further down. He had the urge to caress everything on Yunho's body and show him how much he wanted him.

Mingi's lips rushed along Yunho's neck while the older one buried his hands in Mingi's shirt and moaned softly. When Mingi reached his collarbones and tried to pull Yunho's shirt down a little, Yunho suddenly grabbed him by the wrist. Mingi stopped and looked at him in the darkness to make sure everything was okay. There was uncertainty in Yunho's eyes.

"What's wrong?" Mingi asked in a soft voice and let go of his shirt. Yunho swallowed and avoided Mingi's gaze. Instead, he looked at the wall next to the bed. Mingi's hand went under Yunho's chin and turned his head back in his direction. "Whatever it is, you can talk to me," Mingi said, nodding at Yunho. He wanted Yunho to trust him. Mingi heard a gulp.

"My body isn't beautiful, you shouldn't see it." he pressed out. "What are you talking about?" Mingi asked indignantly. How could Yunho not call himself beautiful? In Mingi's eyes, he was more beautiful than anyone else.

Yunho breathed in, then suddenly propped himself up on his elbows and pointed his upper body in Mingi's direction. He pulled the shirt down where Mingi had previously touched him. Mingi looked down and saw a huge scar flashing in the light. It ran vertically across Yunho's chest and even further down.

"And that's not the only one," Yunho said with an emotionless expression, as if it was no big deal. Mingi's eyes suddenly filled with sadness. "What happened?" he asked. Yunho still looked so distant that it gave Mingi a cold shiver. Maybe he had been wrong. Maybe he didn't know anything about Yunho and his life.

"I told you about the people who tortured me, didn't I?"
Yunho smiled slightly when he noticed Mingi's horrified look. "Don't worry Mingi. It's all in the past." Mingi couldn't believe what Yunho must have gone through.

His eyes wandered back to Yunho's scar and, guided by his emotions, he leaned down until his lips touched the spot. He left a soft kiss before his fingers gently stroked the scar. He looked at Yunho, who had been watching him closely. "You're perfect just the way you are," Mingi said, and he meant it one hundred percent. No matter what other marks Yunho might have, he would always remain beautiful in Mingi's eyes.

Yunho's gaze softened and he sank back into the pillow. He smiled and stroked Mingi's cheek. "Thank you," Yunho said. "Still, I don't feel comfortable." he added and Mingi realized that it was really bothering him. Mingi nodded. He didn't want to push Yunho into anything.

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