Chapter 2/Interrogation

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Aiden sat in his holding cell for what felt like hours, waiting for a cop to begin questioning him. He couldn't help, but to think about Angelica. How precious she was, how beautiful she was and how much he loved her. He would've taken a bullet for her.

I thought about a time when they were sitting upon Angelica's window sill when Angelica was hungover from the night before. They talked about Aiden and how passionate he was about music and playing music and about how Angelica put as much love that she had for Aiden, into every single painting.

That's all Angelica was. Love.

Aiden's thoughts were cut short when a different officer walked in. This one was a male. Tall and large.

"Come with me Aiden." The officer said in a deep tone.

Aiden stood up and walked towards the door where the officer was planted. The cop grabbed ahold of Aiden's shoulder gently, so he couldn't run. He guided Aiden outside a different room. The cop let go of Aiden's shoulder and grabbed his keys that hung on his hip. He fumbled with the keys for a couple seconds before finding the right one and unlocking the door.

In this small room was a table with two chairs and another chair in the corner, lit by a single white light that lit up the whole room.

"Have a seat" the officer said, gesturing to the chair across the table.
Aiden did as the officer said and sat in the chair.

"Are you hungry at all?" The officer said.
"No sir, but may I get a water?" Aiden asked in a defeated tone.
"Alright Aiden, I'll be back." The cop said.

The officer left the room and locked it behind him. Aiden was shaking, he knew he didn't do anything to hurt her, but it wasn't that. He thought about Angelica's family. Her younger sister that was just 10 years old who found the body of her 17 year old sister. Worst thing was. There was photos of her dead body online. A photo of her in her yellow sundress accessorized with 7 bullet holes and the white phone laid next to her hand. It made Aiden's stomach churn. It made him mad that somebody would exploit her.

Aiden began to cry again, wishing that he stayed with her last night. Maybe then she'd still be alive or they'd both be dead together. The tears flowed down his cheeks like rivers, pooling at the bottom of his chin.

The officer walked back in. Aiden looked away, trying to hide his pain. The officer put down a white cup in front of Aiden, then a recorder that was the size a cigarette pack in between the two of them.

"Aiden I'm going to record this conversation so I can listen back to it during the investigation. Is that okay?" The officer asked.

With Aiden's voice breaking. "Yes sir." He said weakly.

The officer hit a button on the recorder and put his pen on his clipboard.

"Do you know why you are here today?" He asked
"Yes." Aiden said.
"Do you mind telling me why you are here today?"
"Because my girlfriend was-" Aiden paused. Aiden could feel himself starting to tear apart at the seams.
"Murdered!" He yelled, bursting into tears.

"Aiden, breathe." The officer said.
"I know it's not easy, but we have to clear your name," The officer explained.

Aiden managed to regulate his breathing.

"Were you with Angelica last night?" He asked.
"Yes." Aiden said
"When?" The officer asked.
"Around 9:35-9:40. I stormed out of her house after we got into an argument." Aiden said.

The officer nodded.

"What was this argument about?"
"She wanted me to go to Princeton university with her, but I got into Stanford, which was my dream school since I was 7." Aiden explained.

"Did she say something that provoked you to storm out?" He asked.
"No, I needed to take a breather outside, then I just went home." Aiden said.
"Was anyone there when you got home?"
"Yes, my parents, but they were both asleep," Aiden said.
"Did you text or call Angelica when you got home?"
"Yes. I texted her goodnight and I would pick her up in the morning for school." Aiden explained.
"Do you know anyone who would want to harm Angelica."
"No, everyone loved her." Aiden said.
"Alright Aiden. I think we're done here." The officer said standing up.
"I will escort you back to your holding cell. Your mom should be picking you up in the next 20 minutes." The officer said.
"Okay, thank you sir." Aiden said standing up.

The officer put Aiden back in his cell. Aiden wanted pay back...

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