Chapter 4: A new monster?

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"Hello? I was wondering if you knew where I am? I'm sure this is a mistake?" Glitch turned around to see...

Glitch pov:

I see a Skelton but it wasn't papyrus or sans. It was a different one it had more resemblance to sans, and glitch knew sans wasn't into romance or wanted any kids.. her, papyrus and Sans were the last of the Skeltons, as i knew of. "Oh hello.. are you Knew?" I asked the stranger "oh, yea I suppose I'm new here, a werid ink puddle brought me here.. im deeply confused over... this situation."

Narrator pov:
Glitch was confused as well a ink puddle? Like a portal from a fictional story. "That sounds confusing, how would a ink puddle bring you here? Well I guess we should worry about that later.. what's you're name?" Glitch asked the monster. "Call me Lazarus... I really don't like my actually name much, unless my friends call me it" the monster said to glitch, glitch smiled then realized "you don't have anywhere to stay do you?" Glitch said worrying for Lazarus. "No I really don't." Glitch had a dumb yet good idea.. course sans and papyrus were a bit overdramatic well mainly sans, when papyrus or glitch had a love interest sans would immediately hate them, saying how papyrus and Glitch Could be better, well it was different if we brought a friend over but if sans or papyrus didn't know them then they weren't trust worthy. What over protected brothers glitch had. "You can stay with me" glitch said as she walked back to her place. "You sure, I mean you just met me.." Lazarus says, Taking note of glitch's naive brain, or maybe  he was just being a asshole. "Of course I know that, but with my siblings, I should be fine if you end up being a bad person" glitch turns back to the Skelton with a glare as the one eye soocket that is uncovered by glitch's hair. The eyelight being red instead of its usually Grey color, before it changed back to Grey as glitch turned back around. Lazarus hardly felt threatened at all by glitch, they seemed weak to him, but Lazarus shouldn't judge a book by its cover as they say.

~Time skip~

Glitch and Lazarus got back to the house opening the door, as grillby and papyrus were putting a puzzle together, sans was back and laying lazily on the couch. Closing the door behind Lazarus, Glitch started to announce the new guest. "EVERYONE!" They yelled a tad to get everyone's attention, sans getting suspicious of the person that was now behind glitch, papyrus seemed to not like them already. Grillby decided to hear glitch out. "This is Lazarus.. their staying with us, they don't have a place to stay, so please... let them say" (a/n: glitch is using they/them for Lazarus cause she doesn't know that his pronouns are he/him:3) Sans sat up from the couch and looked at Glitch. "Glitch, I understand y-" Sans was interrupted by grillby "Sans I understand you wish to not keep a stranger here but, they really have no where else to go, let them stay, if they do something bad then.. you guys can handle it, don't doubt anything" Sans sighed as grillby was right, he was doubting Glitch, Glitch is a brave monster. "Your right grillbs. They can stay." Lazarus seemed glad about that "thank you, I appreciate that, I'm sure to leave when I can go somewhere else." Glitch was Glad to see Lazarus was somewhat polite, "sorry if this is off topic but what do you prefer? Pronouns?" Lazarus got a bit caught off guard about that question, he was glad he didn't fine someone unconsidrate. "It's he/him, I should have mentioned that before huh?"  Lazarus was getting more comfortable being himself here. "Oh its no problem" Glitch said "anyway sleep schedule" as soon as glitch said that papyrus and Sans said in Unison "he sleeps on the couch!" Glitch just stated in annoyance, but it was the only sleeping place they had. Glitch turned to the guest "that's fine with me, I'm a stranger here after all" Sans was glad they knew that was all they were here, a starnger.

A/n: respect others that's the lesson here folks!

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